Definition 2025



See also: skolā and škola



skola (third person singular past indicative skolaði, third person plural past indicative skolað, supine skolað)

  1. to rinse




From Old Norse skola.


  • IPA(key): /ˈskɔːla/
  • Rhymes: -ɔːla


skola (weak verb, third-person singular past indicative skolaði, supine skolað)

  1. to rinse


This verb needs an inflection-table template.


Alternative forms


From Latin schola, from Ancient Greek σχολή (skholḗ).


skola f (Latin spelling, Hebrew spelling סקולה)

  1. school




A borrowing from Middle High German schōle, or from Middle Dutch schole, both also borrowings from Late Latin scola, schola (lecture; school), itself borrowed from Ancient Greek σχολή (skholḗ). In Latvian, this borrowing is first mentioned in 16th-century texts and 17th-century dictionaries.[1]


skola f (4th declension)

  1. school (institution of learning, usually of lower or intermediate level; also a special or specific institution of learning; also the building where such an institution is housed)
    vispārizglītojošā skola ― comprehensive school
    profesionālā, speciālā skola ― professional, special school
    valsts, privātās skolas ― public, private schools
    lauku, pilsētu skolas ― rural, urban schools
    zēnu, meiteņu skola ― boys', girls' school
    kopmācības skola ― co-educational school
    baleta, mūzikas, sporta skola ― ballet, music, sports school
    lauksaimniecības skola ― agricultural school
    skolu tīklsschool network
    skolu jaunatneschool youth
    skolas audzēknisschool student
    skolas bērns, puikaschoolboy
    skolas biedrsschoolmate
    skolas direktors, ārstsschool director, doctor
    skolas bibliotēkaschool library
    skolas mēbelesschool furniture
    skolas sols, tāfeleschool bench, board
    skolas grāmatas, burtnīcasschool books, notebooks
    skolas somaschool bag
    skolas formaschool uniform
    skolas laiks, gadischool time, years
    iestāties skolā ― to enroll in a school
    mācīties skolā ― to study at a school
    sūtīt skolā ― to send to school
    apmeklēt skolā ― to visit the school
    pamest skolu ― to leave school
    izslēgt no skolas ― to expel from school
    kad iesi skolā, varbūt skolotājs paskaidros ― when you go to school, maybe the teacher will explain it
  2. (figuratively) education; the work of studying at school
    skola sākās 1. septembrīschool will start on September 1st
    'Taisnību sakot, mazliet vairāk skolas viņam nebūtu nācis par ļaunu — to tell the truth, a little bit more school would not have been bad for him
  3. (figuratively) experience, learning
    dzīves skola ― the school of life
    neveiksme viņam būs laba skola ― failure will be a good school for him
    aršanas sacensības galvenokārt ir pieredzes, darba metožu, jaunāko atziņu skola ― plowing competitions are mostly a school of (= place, occasion for learning) experience, work methods, and recent findings
  4. school, school of thought (a set of theories, a teaching associated with a certain person, a certain movement or its followers)
    Platona filozofijas skola ― Plato's school of philosophy
    Paula Strādina skola medicīna ― Pauls Stradins' school of medicine
    beļģu skola glezniecībā ― the Belgian school of painting
    krievu skola baletā ― the Russian school of ballet
    Pavlovs izveidoja 20. gadsimta fiziologu lielāko skolu: viņa tiešo līdzstrādnieku un disertantu pulks vien aptvēis 250 cilvēku ― Pavlov created the largest school of 20th-century physiology: his group of direct collaborators and students comprised 250 people


Derived terms

See also


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), skola”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7



From Latin schola, from Ancient Greek σχολή (skholḗ).


skola f (plural skejjel)

  1. school

Old Norse


skola (singular past indicative skolaða, plural past indicative skoluðu, past participle skolaðr)

  1. wash


  • Danish: skylle
  • English: scullery (influenced)
  • Faroese: skola
  • Icelandic: skola
  • Norwegian: skylle
  • Swedish: skölja


  • skola in Geir T. Zoëga (1910) A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, Oxford: Clarendon Press



  • IPA(key): /skuːla/

Etymology 1

From Old Swedish skula, from Old Norse skulu, from Proto-Germanic *skulaną.



  1. shall, will, be going to; used in the present tense (ska or skall) with a main verb in the infinitive to give the future tense, mostly intended future, or used in the past tense (skulle) with a main verb in the infinitive to express the conditional mood or the future of the past.
    jag skall äta
    I shall eat
    jag skulle äta, om...
    I would eat, if...
    jag skulle just äta när...
    I was just going to eat when...
    jag skulle ha ätit färdigt innan....
    I should have finished eating before...

The short form of skall is ska and is more commonly used, skall is although used in the expression vad som komma skall which's grammar is very dated.

Usage notes

By semantic reasons, this verb hardly ever appears in the infinitive, therefore the infinitive is unknown to many or perceived as archaic. The perception of the infinitive as archaic may also be a consequence of the fact that it once also was the form of the present tense used for plural subjects, a category of inflection that is obsolete in modern Swedish.

Etymology 2

From Latin schola.


skola c

  1. a school
Inflection of skola 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative skola skolan skolor skolorna
Genitive skolas skolans skolors skolornas
Related terms


skola (present skolar, preterite skolade, supine skolat, imperative skola)

  1. to school, to teach
Related terms
  • skolning