Webster 1913 Edition




Webster 1828 Edition



, pret. and pp. of sleep.

Definition 2025



See also: slept



slēpt tr., 1st conj., pres. slēpju, slēp, slēpj, past slēpu

  1. to hide, to conceal (to put away (something, someone) so that others cannot see or find it, or to protect it from something)
    slēpt personiskās vēstules ― to hide personal letters, documents
    slēpt dokumentus ― to hide documents
    slēpt grāmatu aiz muguras ― to hide the book behind (one's) back
    slēpt seju aiz plīvura ― to hide (one's) face behind a veil
    slēpt acis no saules stariem ― to hide (one's) eyes from the sunrays
    vāvere savas pārtikas rezerves gatavo no zīlēm, riekstiem un čiekuriem, slēpjot tos zem koku saknēm, dobumos un sūnās ― the squirrel makes its food reserves with acorns, nuts and pine cones, (by) hiding them under tree roots and in holes and moss
    viņa slēpa galvu spilvenos ― she hid (her) face in the pillows
    viss ciems bija pārliecināts, ka Loginovs slēpj dēlu ― the whole village was convinced that Loginovs was hiding a son
  2. to hide, to conceal (to deliberately not reveal facts, activities, etc.)
    slēpt patiesību ― to hide the truth
    slēpt svarīgu informāciju ― to hide important information
    slēpt savu rīcību ― to hide, conceal one's actions
    kapteinis ir viltīgs, ar nolūku slēpis no manis īstās briesmas ― the captain is cunning, he intentionally hid the real dangers from me
    viņš jautāja par manu pagātni; neko neslēpdams, izstāstīju ― he asked about my past; not hiding anything, I told (everything)
  3. to hide, to conceal (to behave, to be made in such a way that one's feelings, thoughts, intentions etc. are not visible)
    slēpt bailes, dusmas ― to hide (one's) fear, anger
    slēpt pārdzīvojumu ― to hide experience(s)
    slēpt savu būtību ― to hide one's essence
    viņa bija atklāta un neslēpa aizdomas ― she was open and didn't hide (any) suspicion
    teātris drīkst akcentēt, atklāt jaunā gaismā tikai to, kas slēpts pašā darbā ― the theater may stress, reveal (under) a new light only that which is (already) hidden in the work itself
  4. (figuratively) to hide, to contain (something unknown, unsuspected)
    zeme savos dziļumos slēpj Baltijas bagātību: četras piektdaļas no visas pasaules dzintara krājumiem ― the earth hid in its depth the Baltic riches: four fifths of the world's amber deposits


Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
  • aizslēpt
  • apslēpt
  • ieslēpt
  • noslēpt
other derived terms:

Related terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), slēpt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7