Definition 2025
spēks m (1st declension)
- (physics) force (physical quantity describing the interaction of bodies whereby they undergo acceleration or deformation)
- Zemes pievilkšanas spēks ― the Earth's attraction force, gravity
- gravitācijas, berzes spēks ― gravitational, attrition force
- centrbēdzes, centrtieces spēks ― centrifugal, centripetal force
- spēka lauks ― force field
- spēka pielikšanas punkts ― force application point
- pielikt spēku ― to apply a force
- (of people, animals) force, strength, power (capacity to carry out (especially physical) actions or motion)
- fiziskais spēks ― physical strength
- taupīt spēku ― to spare, to save strength, power
- uzkrāt spēku ― to accumulate strength, power
- nav spēka piecelties ― (s/he) doesn't have the strength to get up
- izsmelt (visus) spēkus ― to exhaust (all) (one's) forces, strength
- pēdējiem spēkiem sasniegt krastu ― to reach the coast with (one's) last strength
- (of people's behavior) (physical) force, coercion, violence
- viņa ar spēku izrāva Mārim no rokām meitas fotogrāfiju ― she snatched the girl's photograph from Māris' hands by force
- jūs uzvaru redzat tikai spēkā; bet saprāta uzvara, kur tad paliek tā? ― you see only victory in violence; but the victory of reason, where is it then?
- strength, power (of mental processes: mental features that support or strengthen their expression)
- garīgais, morālais spēks ― spiritual, moral strength
- gribas spēks, gribasspēks' ― willpower
- iekšējs, dvēseles spēks ― inner, soul strength
- negaidīti aktrise atrada sevī lielu speku, tuvojoties varonības robežai ― unexpectedly, the actress found in herself intense strength, verging on heroism
- (of laws) force (legal validity, power)
- likuma spēks ― force of law, legal force
- būr, palikt, uzturēt spēkā ― to be, to remain, to keep in force
- stāties spēkā ― to come into force
- force, power, strength (capacity or power to influence, to persuade, to make something happen)
- personības spēks ― strength of personality
- ieraduma spēks ― force of habit
- vārda spēks ― the power of the word
- mākslas spēks ― the power of art
- dažādu ar valdībām nesaistīto organizāciju pretkara kustība ieguvusi milzīgu spēku ― various non-governmental organizations' anti-war movement has gained enormous power, strength
- (chiefly in the plural) forces (a group within society, united by a common feature)
- demokrātiskie, revolucinārie spēki ― democratic, revolutionary forces
- (chiefly plural; of professionals, soldier, etc.) forces (people united by a goal, ideal, task)
- teātra jaunie spēki ― new young forces of theater
- mākslinieciskie spēki ― artistic forces
- bruņotie spēki ― armed forces
- karaspēks' ― armed forces, (national) army, troops
- starptautisko spēku samērs ― international balance of forces, power
Declension of spēks (1st declension)
Derived terms
- ↑ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “spēks”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7