Definition 2025





sportisks (def. sportiskais, comp. sportiskāks, sup. vissportiskākais; adv. sportiski)

  1. athletic, sportive, sporty (relating to, characteristic of, sports or athletes; showing interest in sports)
    sportisks augumsathletic build
    sportiska gaitaathletic pace
    sportiska sagatavotībaathletic training, preparedness
    būt sportiskā formā ― to be in athletic form (= to be in good form)
    sportisks tērpssports clothes
    cik sportiski ir Latvijas skolēni? ― how sportive, sporty are Latvia's schoolchildren?
    Edmunds Luters vēl nebija zaudējis studiju gadu treniņos iegūto sportisko stāju ― Edmunds Luters had not yet lost the athletic posture acquired by training during his study years
    es cerēju, ka agrāk vai vēlāk sacīkstes un sportiskā veiksme mani kādreiz savedīs vienā ringā kopā ar Uldi Vecozolu ― I hoped that sooner or later the matches and the athletic success would someday bring me into a ring together with Uldis Vecozols


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