Definition 2025





sveiks (def. sveikais; irreg. adv. sveikā)

  1. (often sveiks un vesels) safe; unharmed despite adverse circumstances
    paliec, dzīvo sveiks! ― (may you) stay, live safe! (said when wishing someone well)
    visi sveiki un veseli pārnāca mājās ― all returned home safe and sound
    tas taču bija Kārlēns, kuru māte apraudāja par mirušu, un piepeši dzīvs, sveiks, šinī pusē! ― but that was Kārlēns, whose mother thought him dead, and suddenly (he was) alive, unharmed, on this side (= here)!
    Birkenbaums arvien cieti bija apzinājies, ka viņš sveiks izies caur dzīvi; kad kaut kur kāds bija sagriezis roku,..., tad puisis vienmēr to dzirdējis ar apziņu, ka viņu nekad nepiemeklēs šādas likstas ― Birkenbaums was always perfectly aware (of the fact) that he would go through life unharmed; when somewhere someone cut his hand,..., then the young man always heard (about) it with the knowledge that he would never have such troubles
  2. used as a greeting or leave-taking word, expressing good wishes; hallo! greetings!; goodbye! farewell!
    sveika, māt!hallo, mum!
    sveiks, Pakalnu tēv!greetings, father Pakalns!
    sveiks, Jaunais gads!hallo, New Year!
    “labdien!” nācējs viņu sveicināja; “sveiki, kaimiņ!” atsaucās Valdis ― “good morning!” the person who was coming greeted him; “hallo, neighbor!” Valdis replied
    sveiks,” viņa saka, ātri pagrūž zēnam roku atvadām ― “goodbye,” she said, quickly waving her hand to the boy in a farewell (gesture)


Usage notes

In the contemporary language, sveiks is more frequently used as a greeting than as an adjective: sveiks! “hallo!” (to a man), sveika! (to a woman), sveikas! (to several women), sveiki! (to several men; to men and women together; to one person, male or female, indicating respect; cf. the plural pronoun jūs “you (pl.)” used to indicate respect, like French vous, German Sie or Russian вы (vy)).


Related terms

  • sveiciens
  • sveikas
  • sveikt, sveicināt


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), sveiks”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7