Definition 2025
vesels (def. veselais, comp. veselāks, sup. visveselākais; adv. veseli)
- healthy (not sick, not wounded; being in good health)
- vesels bērns ― healthy child
- veseli teļi ― healthy calves
- veseli stādi, ziedi ― healthy plants, flowers
- veseli zobi ― healthy teeth
- kļūt veselam ― to become healthy
- justies veselam ― to feel healthy
- vesels kā rutks ― healthy as a black raddish (= very healthy)
- vesels kā ābols ― healthy as an apple (= very healhty)
- sveiks un vesels ― safe and sound (= healthy)
- redziet, Arvīds ir pilnīgi vesels, rīt viņš izrakstās no slimnīcas ― look, Arvīds is fully healthy, tomorrow they will let him go from the hospital
- veselais cilvēks daudz nedomā par savu ķermeni ― the healthy person does not think much abuot his/her body
- es nekad neslimoju, esmu vesels kā rutks! ― I am never sick, I am as healthy as a black raddish (= very healthy)
- (of thoughts, behavior, character) healthy, sound (satisfying certain norms and expectations)
- līdz šim Maldups vienmēr bija rīkojies tā, kā to prasīja veselais saprāts ― so far Maldups has always acted as called for by healthy (= common) sense
- ir veca patiesība, ka tikai veselā miesā var mājot vesels gars ― there is an old saying: only in a healthy flesh (= sound body) can a healthy spirit dwell
- used to wish well to someone, to wish success to some action, activity
- staigā, dzīvo vesels! ― walk, live healthy! (goodbye expression, said when taking leave)
- nopērc licenci un zvejo vesels! ― buy a (fishing) licence and go fish healthy (= successfully)!
- Lauma: “Ar labu nakti, jūs visi!” Zeltīte: “Vesela!” Minna: “Laimīga!” ― Lauma: “Good night, you all!” Zeltīte: “(I wish you) healthy!” Minna: “(I wish you) happy!”
- whole (not divided into parts, pieces; which is not broken)
- vesels skaitlis ― (mathematics) a whole number
- medījumu odzes, kā jau visas indīgās čūskas, vispirms nogalina ar indīgu kodienu, pēc tam aprij veselu ― vipers, like all poisonous snakes, first kill their pray with a poisonous bite, (and) then swallow it whole
- zem pērnām lapām viens otrs vesels rieksts ― under last year's leaves (still) a couple of whole (= unbroken) nuts
- apakšēja stūrī lapas gan bija salipušas, bet, saudzīgi verot, izdevās tās atdalīt veselas ― the pages were sticking at the bottom corner, but, being careful, one could manage to separate them whole (= undamaged)
- izdevās sameklēt kādu būdu, kurai vēl veseli bisi logi un durvis ― (he) was able to find a hut with windows and doors still whole (= unbroken)
- (used nominally) whole
- priekšmetu formu un krāsu mākslinieks vienmēr uzskatījis par vienotu veselu ― the artists always considers the form and color of objects as a unified (= coherent) whole
- treneris un sportists: viens vesels, kura galvenais mērķis ir augstu sportisko rezultātu ― coach and athlete: one (single) whole whose main purpose is to obtain high athetlic results
- whole, entire (encompassing the full extension, volume, size of something)
- vesels vezums malkas ― a whole, an entire cartful of firewood
- vesels klēpis ziedu ― a whole armful of flowers
- vesels kilograms konfekšu ― a whole kilogram of candy
- gaidīt veselu stundu ― to wait for an entire hour
- samaksāt veselus divus latus ― to pay an entire (= the entire sum of) two lats
- pie tranšējas sapulcējis vesels bars vīru ― at the trench a whole group (lit. herd) of men gathered
- 'es jums aizsūtīju veselu kaudzi vēstuļu — I sent you a whole bunch of letters
- uz galda gozējas mīksti, brūni pīrāgi; vesels kalns pīrāgu ― on the table soft, brown pies were basking (in the sun); a whole mountain of pies
- ar Jāni mēs bijām nosēdējuši kopā vienā klasē jau veselu gadu ― I have sat together with Jānis in the same class for an entire year
- (figuratively, stressing the importance or significance of something) whole, entire
- kaut ko tādu par pulksteņiem Krists dzirdēja pirmo reizi, un viņš sāka saprast, ka te runā par veselu zinātne ― it was the first time Kirsts had heard something like that about clocks, and he began to understand that there (was) an entire science (in it)
- pats vērtīgākais, ko dzejnieks devis saviem mazajiem draugiem, ir dzejoļu krājumiņi: tā ir vesela dzejas pasaule jaunajiem lasītājiem ― the most valuable thing that the poet gave to his little friends were the little (poetry) collections: this is a whole (new) world of poetry for young readers
indefinite declension (nenoteiktā galotne) of vesels
masculine (vīriešu dzimte) | feminine (sieviešu dzimte) | ||||||||
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) |
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) |
nominative (nominatīvs) | vesels | veseli | vesela | veselas | |||||
accusative (akuzatīvs) | veselu | veselus | veselu | veselas | |||||
genitive (ģenitīvs) | vesela | veselu | veselas | veselu | |||||
dative (datīvs) | veselam | veseliem | veselai | veselām | |||||
instrumental (instrumentālis) | veselu | veseliem | veselu | veselām | |||||
locative (lokatīvs) | veselā | veselos | veselā | veselās | |||||
vocative (vokatīvs) | — | — | — | — | |||||
- (of "whole"): viss
Derived terms
- ↑ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “vesels”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7