Definition 2025



See also: tīrībā



tīrība f (4th declension)

  1. (of objects) cleanness, cleanliness (the quality or state of that which is clean, has no dirt or stains on it)
    gultas veļas tīrība ― bed linen cleanliness
    trauku tīrība ― the cleanliness of the dishes
    rūpēties par tīrību dzīvoklī ― to take care of cleanliness in the apartment
    istabā bija liela tīrība: logu rūtis laistījās aiz spodruma, palodzes noberztas un arī grīda baltu baltā ― in the room there was great cleanliness: the window panes were sparkling, the sills were scrubbed off and even the floor was really white
    izgatavojot integrālās shēmas, vajag īpašu tīrību: pusmikronu lieli puteklīši jau var ievērojami ietekmēt shēmas parametrus, radīt brāķi ― (while) making integrated circuits, special cleanliness is necessary: a half-micron grain of dust can have a significant impact on the circuit parameters (and) create a defect
  2. (of people, animals, their body parts) cleanliness (the quality of one who is cleanly, who keeps clean)
    roku tīrība ― the cleanliness of (one's) hands
    pieradināt bērnu pie tīrības ― to get a child used to cleanliness
    tīrība ir skaistumkopšanas pamats, un droši var sacīt, ka galvenais, izsenis visvairāk lietotais kosmētiskais līdzeklis ir ūdenscleanliness is the basis of beauty, and one can safely say that the main, longest-used cosmetic product is water
    nutrija ļoti mīl tīrību: ik pēc brīža tas skrien ūdenī, mazgājas un ar priekšējām ķepiņām pieglauž spalvas un garās ūsas ― the otter likes cleanliness very much: every moment it runs to the water, washes itself and with its front paws strokes its fur and its long whiskers
  3. (of substances) purity (the quality of that which is pure, has no contaminants or undesirable component substances or elements)
    ūdens tīrības pakāpe ― the degree of purity of the water
    augsnes tīrība ― soil purity
    kombinējot ultravioleto īsstaru iedarbību ar telpas vēdināšanu, stundas laikā iespējams uzlabot gaisa tīrību par 75-90% ― combining the effect of ultraviolet radiation with room ventilation, one can within one hour improve air purity about 75-90%
  4. (figuratively, of sounds, colors, language, etc.) purity, perfection
    dziedājuma tīrība ― the purity of the singing
    valodas tīrībai es tiešām veltīju daudz uzmanības ― I really dedicate a lot of attention to language purity
    krāsas toņa spilgtums, tīrība, ir atkarīga no auduma materiāla ― the brightness, the purity of the color shade is dependant on the material of the fabric
  5. (figuratively, of people, their behavior) purity, perfection, innocence
    garīga tīrība ― spiritual purity
    viņā bija jaušama apbrīnojama dvēseles tīrība; nekas nespētu to pavedināt uz nelietību ― in him a surprising purity of soul could be felt; it was not possible to lead him to meanness




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