Definition 2025





uzdevums m (1st declension)

  1. (assigned) task, duty (that which someone is supposed to do, was asked, ordered to do; intended function)
    kuģa komandas reisa uzdevumi ― the tasks of the ship crew (during) a trip
    bērnu audzināšanas uzdevumi ― the tasks of child rearing
    organizācijas uzdevums ― the task, mission of an organization
    zinātnes uzdevums ― the task of science
    kāda uzdevumā ― (to do something) on someone's orders
    astoņas istabas, katra iekārtota atbilstoši savam uzdevumam... ― eight rooms, each furnished according to its function...
    visiem šiem augiem dārzā bija savs uzdevums ― each of these plants in the garden had its own function
  2. problem, excercise (theoretical or practical activities designed to test and strengthen one's knowledge)
    atrisināt ģeometrijas uzdevumu ― to solve a geometry problem
    fizikas uzdevumu krājums ― a collection of physics problems
    kontroldarba uzdevumi algebrā ― exam problems
    mājas uzdevums ― homework
    uzdevumu burtnīcaexercise book, workbook (lit. exercise notebook)
  3. (law) proxy (civil contract whereby one party gives the other party authority to execute certain tasks on his or her behalf, such as payments, acquisition and management of property, etc.)
