Definition 2025





vainīgs (def. vainīgais, comp. vainīgāks, sup. visvainīgākais; adv. vainīgi)

  1. guilty (who has committed an offense punishable by law; who has done something reprehensible, from which bad consequences resulted)
    atzīt kādu par vainīgu ― to declare someone guilty
    nevar taču cilvēku turēt cietumā tikai tāpēc, ka viņš nespēj pierādīt, ka nav vainīgs ― one can't hold a person in prison only because he wasn't able to show that he not guilty
    viņš ir vainīgs, ka darbu nevarēja laikā pabeigt ― he was guilty that (they) couldn't finish the work in time
    viņš ir vainīgs sava drauga nelaimē ― he is guilty of (lit. in) his friend's misfortune
    viņš, vienīgi viņš vainīgs, ka viņu dzīve neizplauka pilnā priekā ― he, he alone (is) guilty that their life didn't blossom in full joy
    Viktorija ir lasījusi, ka laulības strīdos vainīgs nekad nevar būt viens ― Victoria has read that in marriage conflicts the guilty is never (only) one
  2. guilty (such that it expresses guilt)
    vainīgs smaidsguilty smile
    skatiens kļuva vainīgs ― (his) gaze became guilty
  3. (of objects, events, etc.) guilty (such that it is the cause of unpleasant or embarrassing consequences)
    jā, šie ikpavasara eksāmeni! tagad man liekas, tie laikam vainīgi, ka man nav saglabājušās skaistas atmiņas par pavasari un dabas atmodu ― jes, those spring exams! now it seems to me that they were maybe guilty of the fact that I have not conserved beautiful memories of spring and the awakening of nature
    sajutu plūstam pretī tādu kā spēcīgu petrolejas smaržu; tobrīd nospriedu, ka vainīgs ir etilētais benzīns ― I felt, flowing off opposite, something like a strong smell of kerosene; at the time I thought the leaded gasoline was guilty (= was the cause of the smell)
  4. (definite form) culprit, perpetrator (person guilty of something)
    saukt vainīgos pie atbildības ― to bring the perpetrator to justice
    iesūdzēt vainīgo tiesā ― to sue the perpetrators in court
    vainīgie saņēma sodu ― the culprit received a fine
    bez vainas vainīgaisculprit without guilt (i.e., an innocent man who was considered guilty)



  • atbildīgs


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