Definition 2025



See also: varet and våret



varēt tr., 3rd conj., pres. varu, vari, var, past varēju

  1. can; to be able to (to have the mental or physical capacity to do something, to react in a certain way)
    varēt staigāt, runāt ― to be able to walk, to talk
    varēt atcerēties ― to be able to remember
    vai tu vari paiet?can you go/walk?
    tikko varēt pavilkt elpu ― to be barely able to breathe
    zirgs var pavilkt vezumu ― the horse can, is able to pull the cart
    ko tur var darīt ― what can (you) do there (= nothing can be done)
    neko nevar darīt ― (you) can't do anything (= nothing can be done)
    palīdzu arī Baumanim darbā, kur vien varu ― I help also Baumanis at work, wherever I can
    tās bija svešādas dziesmas, kuras viņš nevarēja atklausīties ― these were strange songs that he couldn't listen to very long
    viss dzīvais var pielāgoties vides apstākļiem ― all living (beings) can, are able to adapt to environmental conditions
  2. (of objects, phenomena) can, to be able to (to have properties that make a certain activity or function possible)
    automobilis var attīstīt lielu ātrumu ― the automobile can reach high speed
  3. (of situations, usually 3rd person) to be possible, to succeed in
    ēst, dzert var ― one can eat, drink it (= it is edible, drinkable)
    mēli var izmežģīt ― it can test the tongue (= it is difficult to say, to pronounce)
    vai es kaut reizi esot padomājis, ka Beātei no manis varētu bērns būt? ― did I ever imagine that Beāte could have a child from me?
    Alberts lēni izdzēra glāzi; šis konjaks nebija no labākajiem, bet dzert varēja ― Alberts drank slowly (from) the glass; this cognac was not one of the best, but one could drink it
  4. (usually drīkstēt) may, be allowed to, have permission for
    “vai mēs ar Gunāru varam iet kājām?” Klāvs prasa tēvocim ― “can (= may) Gunārs and I go on foot?” Klāvs asks his uncle
    vienam bērnam ieteicams sauļoties, otrs turpretī nedrīkst; viens var peldēties, cits nē ― one child is allowed to tan, while the other is not; one can (= may) swim, the other (can't)



Derived terms

Related terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), vara”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7