Definition 2025
varrer (first-person singular present varro, first-person singular preterite varrín, past participle varrido)
- to sweep
- first-person singular personal infinitive of varrer
- third-person singular personal infinitive of varrer
Conjugation of varrer
From Old Portuguese varrer, from Latin verrere, present active infinitive of verrō.
- (Paulista) IPA(key): /va.ˈʁe(ɹ)/
- (South Brazil) IPA(key): /va.ˈhe(ɻ)/
- Hyphenation: var‧rer
varrer (first-person singular present indicative varro, past participle varrido)
- (intransitive, transitive) to sweep (to clean [a place] using a broom)
- A empregada varrera a sala antes da visita chegar.
- The maid had swept the living room before the guests arrived.
- A empregada varrera a sala antes da visita chegar.
- (transitive or ditransitive, with the indirect object taking para) to sweep (to move something using a broom)
- Queríamos varrer a poeira para debaixo do tapete.
- We wanted to sweep the dust under the rug.
- Queríamos varrer a poeira para debaixo do tapete.
- (figuratively, transitive or ditransitive, with the indirect object taking de) to devastate or expel something completely and quickly
- A legião romana varreu os hunos da Gália.
- The Roman legion swept the Huns from Gaul.
- A legião romana varreu os hunos da Gália.
- (figuratively, transitive) to sweep; to go through (to search a place methodically)
- Militantes varreram a cidade em busca de infiéis.
- Militants swept the city searching for infidels.
- Militantes varreram a cidade em busca de infiéis.
- (computing, transitive) to scan (to examine sequentially, part by part)
- Deixei o programa varrendo os arquivos.
- I left the program scanning the files.
- Deixei o programa varrendo os arquivos.
Conjugation of the Portuguese -er verb varrer
- (to clean with a broom): varrenhar (Douro), varriscar (Douro), vasculhar, vassourar
- (to devastate or expel): destruir, devastar, eliminar, expulsar
- (to search a place methodically): buscar, procurar, virar de cabeça para baixo
- (to scan): escanear
Derived terms
- varrer do mapa