Definition 2025





veids m (1st declension)

  1. form (one of various types of existence)
    matērija viernmēr eksistē tikai konkrētos, atsevišķos veidos ― matter always exists only in concrete, individual forms
  2. form, type, kind, mode (various groups, classes, etc. of something)
    enerģijas veidiforms of energy
    mākslas veidi ― art forms, forms of art
    sporta veiditypes of sport
    transportlīdzekļu veiditypes of vehicles
    kurināmā veidikinds of fuel
    augu veiditypes of plants
    ražošanas veidimodes of production
    ogļhidrātu veidi ir cukuri, ciete (stērķele) un celuloze ― the types of carbohidrates are sugars, starch, and cellulose
  3. external appearance, form (e.g. as similar to something)
    trīsstūra, taisnstūra, kvadrāta vai romba veida sviestmaizes ― tringular, rectangular, square and diamond shaped sandwiches
    tas tuvojās un pamazām ieguva pazīstama cilvēka veidu ― it rolled over and slowly acquired a known human form
  4. (in the locative, adverbially used) way, form (referring to features or qualities that characterize an action or event)
    saglabāties sākotnējā veidā ― to remain in (its) original form, way, manner
    kādā veidā lai to izdara? ― in what way should this be done?
    šādā veidā nekas nav panākams ― in this way nothing can be achieved
    veids, kādā abinieki pārvietojas, pilnīgi atkarīgs no to ķermeņa formas ― the way in which amphibians move (is) completely dependant on their body shape
    vai viņš uzskata, ka darbaļaudīm nevajag vietu, kur kulturāli atpūsties, tā sakot, sabiedriskā veidā? ― is he saying that the workers don't need a place where, so to speak, they can culturally rest, in a communal, public way?
  5. (grammar) aspect (verbal category which presents the action in its development, as complete or incomplete, repeated, ongoing, etc.)
    nepabeigtais darbības vārda veids ― imperfective (lit. unfinished) verbal aspect
    pabeigtais jeb perfektīvais verba veids raksturo savā norisē ierobežotu darbību ― the finished or perfective verbal aspect characterizes a limited action in its own development


Derived terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), veids”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7