Definition 2025





veselīgs (def. veselīgais, comp. veselīgāks, sup. visveselīgākais; adv. veselīgi)

  1. healthy, robust (always healthy, in good health, who rarely gets sick)
    veselīgs bērnshealthy child
    tas bija pazems, drukns, ļoti kustīgs, no izskata īsti veselīgs un spēcīgs vīrs ― it was a short, stocky, very agile man, apparently really healthy, robust and strong
    viņu koptie lopi ir veselīgi, spirgti un labi barojas ― their (farm) animals are healthy, lively and eat well
  2. robust, healthy (physically well developed; having no defects, no diseases; expressing such qualities)
    veselīgs izskatsrobust, healthy appearance
    veselīgs skaistumsrobust, healthy beauty
    veselīgs koksrobust, healthy tree
    šis kājas nēsāja stipru, veselīgu lauku skaistules ķermeni ― these legs carried the strong, robust body of a rural beauty (= beautiful woman)
    viņš smējās pilnu muti, rādīdams savus baltos, veselīgos zobus ― the laughed with (his) full mouth, showing his white, healthy teeth
  3. healthful, healthy (which benefits one's health, which influences one's health positively, improves one's health)
    veselīga barībahealthy, healthful food
    veselīgs gaisshealthy, healthful air
    veselīgs dzīvesveidshealthy, healthful lifestyle
    veselīgs dienas režīmshealthy, healthful daily regime
    gulēt veselīgā miegā ― to sleep a healthy, healthful sleep
    dzērveņu ogas satur daudz citronskābes un C vitamīna, tāpēc sevišķi noderīgas veselīgu dzērienu pagatavošanai ― cranberries contain a lot of citric acid and vitamin C, so they are especially useful for preparing healthy, healthful beverages
    mēs ejam uz Māras ezeru... tā ūdens ir rāvains, bet veselīgs pret kaulu slimībām ― we are going to the Māra lake... its water is marshy, swampy, but healthful, useful against bone diseases
  4. (figuratively) focused, effective, positive, stimulating
    veselīgs humorshealthy, healthful humor
    teikās netrūkst arī veselīgas ironijas ― in (Latvian) legends there is no lack of healthy, healthful irony


Derived terms

  • veselīgums