Definition 2025



See also: vidu



vidū m

  1. locative singular form of vidus



  1. in the middle (located in a central position, approximately at the same distance from all sides, edges, extremities)
    vidū pārlūzis zarsin the middle (of the tree) a branch broke
    Zviedrijā aizvien biežāk sāk veidot mākslīgos ezeriņus lietus un sniega kušanas ūdeņu uzkrāšanai; vidū izveido saliņas: tur putni var perēt un audzēt mazuļus ― In Sweden, (they) are increasingly often building little artificial lakes to accumulate water from rain and snow melting; in the middle, (they) make little islands: there the birds can nest and raise their offspring
    reālskolas atrodas it kā vidū starp ģimnāzijām un vispārizglītojošām skolām ― the real schools are as if in the middle between highschools and comprehensive schools
  2. (dated, used as a preposition with dative or genitive) in the middle of, in mid-
    vidū gaisa lidojot ― flying in mid-air
    no kurienes tu atskani vidū ziemas... zemesvēzīša balss? ― from where do you sound in mid-winter... (oh) mole-cricket's voice?

Usage notes

Instead of the old prepositional uses, vidū as the locative case of vidus (middle) can be also placed after a noun in the genitive, almost as a postposition; e.g., meža vidū “in the middle of the forest.”


  • starpā