Definition 2025





zemisks (def. zemiskais, comp. zemiskāks, sup. viszemiskākais; adv. zemiski)

  1. lowly, base, mean, vile, despicable (having an immoral, villainous attitude towards others; expressing such attitude)
    zemisks cilvēlkilowly, vile people
    zemiskas jūtasbase, mean feelings
    zemisks nodomsvile intention
    zemiski vārdimean, vile words
    zemiski melidespicable lies
    un ir cilvēki, kas par savu tuvāko nekad nebēdā... tie ir zemiski egoisti ― and there are people who never worry about their neighbors... these are lowly egoists
    esmu saskāries arī ar patiešām zemiskiem ciniķiem ― I have had contact also with really vile cynics
    viņa satīra arvien trāpīga un asa, bet nekad zemiska un ķengājoša ― his satire is always well-aimed and sharp, never vile and libellous
    Čehova lugā diezgan spēcīgi izjūtams kontrasts starp labo un ļauno, starp zemisko un cildeno ― in Čehovs' (= Chekhov's) play, the contrast between good and evil, between the vile and the sublime, can be felt quite strongly


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