Definition 2025




Kanji in this term

Grade: S
See also 掛かる


掛ける (ichidan conjugation, hiragana かける, romaji kakeru)

  1. (transitive) hang (a picture, etc.); hoist; raise (a flag); fly (a kite)
    • 1907, 夏目漱石, 野分:
      先生 (せんせい)はただ気品 (きひん)のない () ()けたものだと (おも)ったばかりである。
      Sensei wa tada kihin no nai ga o kaketa mono da to omotta bakari de aru.
      I always thought it was just some tasteless picture that the teacher had hung up.
  2. (transitive) multiply
     () (さん) ()ける (ろく)になる。
    Ni ni san o kakeru to roku ni naru.
    Multiply 2 by 3 and you get 6.
  3. to sit (on a chair or bench, but not on the floor)
    • 1937, 久生十蘭, 魔都:
      真名古 (まなこ) (しず)かに椅子 (いす) ()けて (はやし) (かお)注視 (ちゅうし)する。
      Manako wa shizuka ni isu ni kakete hayashi no kao o chūshi suru.
      Manako sits in the chair quietly and examines Hayashi's face.
  4. to speak, to give an order etc., to call out, to call on the telephone
    • 1925, 国枝史郎, 郷介法師:
      その法師 (ほうし) (こえ) ()けた
      Sono hōshi wa koe o kaketa.
      The priest called out.
    • 1931, 永井荷風, つゆのあとさき:
      ちょっと電話 (でんわ) ()けてくれ。
      Chotto denwa o kakete kure.
      Give me a call.
  5. to pour onto, to shake onto, to splash, to drip
    • 1946, 織田作之助, 土曜夫人:
      ペッペッと、 (みぎ) () (つば) ()けて、げっぷをしていた。
      Peppetto, migi no te ni tsuba o kakete, geppu o shite ita.
      There he was, burping, with drool dripping onto his right hand.
  6. to wear a piece of clothing
    • 1908, 伊藤左千夫, 隣の嫁:
      省作 (しょうさく)はそれにはかまわず、 () ()着物 (きもの) () ()けている。
      Shōsaku wa sore ni wa kamawazu, yu o dete kimono o kikakete iru.
      Shōsaku came out of the bath and wore his kimono without worrying about that.


  • (sit):  (すわ) (suwaru) (to sit in general, including on the floor)

Related terms



掛ける (hiragana かける, romaji kakeru)

  1. (mathematics) times (multiplication)
     () ()ける (さん) (ろく)
    Ni kakeru san wa roku.
    2 times 3 is 6.

Coordinate terms