Definition 2025



See also: kauns


Proper noun

Kauns ? (genitive Kauns)

  1. A municipality in Austria.



See also: Kauns



kauns m (1st declension)

  1. shame (moral feeling associated with discomfort felt as a consequence of some (offensive) act, action)
    pārņemt kauns ― to take, accept the shame
    raudāt aiz kauna ― to cry of shame
    nosarkt aiz kauna ― to blush from shame
    izjust dziļu kaunu ― to feel deep shame
    pārdzīvot lielu kaunu ― to experience great shame
    aiz kauna nezināt ko darīt ― to not know what to do from shame
    seja deg kaunā ― (his) face is burning in shame
    nu pašam man par sevi kauns ― I feel ashamed of myself
  2. shame (unpleasant feeling caused by a certain situation, or by (one's or someone else's) inappropriate action, behavior)
    kauns rādīt asaras ― ashamed (lit. shame) to shed tears
    kauns lūgt palīdzību ― ashamed (lit. shame) to ask for help
    kauns par netīro apģērbu ― ashamed (lit. shame) of (one's) dirty clothes
    kā tev nav kauna? ― aren't you ashamed (lit. how have you no shame)?
    vai tev nemaz nav kauna, Ines? ― have you no shame at all, Ines?
    kauns rādīties (kādam) acīs ― ashamed (lit. shame) to show oneself in front of (lit. in the eyes of) someone
    es saprotu, tev kauns, ka man ir bērns no cita; tev ir bail, ka cilvēki varbūt smiesies ― I understand, you are ashamed (lit. have shame) that I have a child from another (man); you are afraid that people will maybe laugh
  3. shame, disgrace, dishonor (condition in which one feels or causes shame)
    piedzīvot kaunu ― to experience shame
    uzskatīt kaunu ― to consider (something) a shame
    izdzīt ar kaunu ― to cast (someone) out in shame'
    kauna pilna rīcība ― shameful (lit. shame-filled) behavior
    (pa)darīt kaunu (kādam) ― to cause (someone) shame
    kauna stabs ― pillory (lit. shame post)
    kauna zīme ― sign of shame
  4. (usually genitive, used adjectivally) shameful, morally negative
    kauna darbsshameful work, mean act
    kauna lietashameful matter, disgrace
    kauna traips ― blemish (lit. shameful spot)
  5. (used as an interjection) what a shame!
    kauns, staltais daugavieti! ― what a shame, (my) tall Daugavian!
  6. shame, shyness, timidity
    atmest kaunu ― to throw away, to abandon shame
    par to, ko aiz neziņas kādreiz vai kauna projām dzinām, par to, ko aiz pierastības neatzinām ― about that which we sometimes drive away because of ignorance or shame, about that which we because of habit do not acknowledge



  • (of "shyness"): kautrīgums, kautrība

Derived terms

  • bezkaunīgs, bezkaunīgums, bezkaunība
  • bezkauņa
  • nekaunīgs, nekaunīgums, nekaunība
  • nekauņa
  • kaunīgs, kaunīgums

Related terms

  • kaunēties


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), kauns”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7