Definition 2025






akls (def. aklais, comp. aklāks, sup. visaklākais; adv. akli)

  1. blind (permanently (or temporarily) incapable of seeing)}
    akls cilvēksblind person
    akls no dzimšanasblind from birth
    kaķēns piedzimst akls ― a kitten born blind
    kļūt aklam ― to become blind
    palīdzēt aklajam ― to help a blind (person)
    pārvest aklo pāri ielai ― to take a blind (person) across the street
    aklais plankums ― the blind spot (light-insensitive spot in the eye)
    akls aklam ceļu rāda, abi iekrīt grāvī ― (if) a blind (person) shows the way to (another) blind (person), both fall into a ditch
    pēkšņa pāreja spilgtā gaismā padara acis aklas ― the sudden transition to bright light makes the eyes blind
  2. (figuratively) blind (unthinking, unchecked, not subject to conscious assessment, control)
    akla paklausībablind obedience
    akla tīcībablind faith, belief
    akla mīlestībablind love
    akls naidsblind hatred
    aklas dusmasblind rage
    Annele turējās visiem spēkiem pretī tumšām, aklām bailēm ― Annele kept all (her) forces against the dark, blind fear
  3. blind (accidental, unexpected)
    'akla laimeblind luck
    aklas lodesblind bullets (i.e., randomly shot)
  4. blind (very dark, impossible to see through; without light)
    akla naktsblind (= dark) night
    akls logsblind (= unlit) window
    visapkārt akla tumsa, un dzirdamas tikai vēja gaudas un jūras krākšana ― all around (only) blind darkness, and one could hear only the lamentation of the wind and the roaring of the sea
  5. blind (without an exit, without a passage, only one-way)
    akla ielablind street, alley
    akla sienablind wall (= without windows)
    akls logsblind window (= the contour of a window on a wall without the actual window)
    akla brūceblind wound (= internal wound, without an opening to the exterior of the body)
    aklā zarna ― caecum (lit. blind intestine)
  6. blind (done without looking; done only via instruments)
    akalis lidojumsblind flight
    aklā lidmašīnas nolaišanāsblind airplane landing
    aklā metode mašīnrakstīšanā ― the blind method in typing (i.e., without looking at the keyboard)




Derived terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), akls”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7




  1. blind