Webster 1913 Edition
, Adj.
; sup
] [OE.
, AS. grēne
; akin to D. groen
, OS. grōni
, OHG. gruoni
, G. grün
, Dan. & Sw. grön
, Icel. grænn
; fr. the root of E. grow.
See Grow.
] 1.
Having the color of grass when fresh and growing; resembling that color of the solar spectrum which is between the yellow and the blue; verdant; emerald.
Having a sickly color; wan.
To look so
and pale. Shakespeare
Full of life and vigor; fresh and vigorous; new; recent;
as, a
manhood; a green
wound.As valid against such an old and beneficent government as against . . . the
usurpation. Burke.
Not ripe; immature; not fully grown or ripened;
fruit, corn, vegetables, etc.5.
Not roasted; half raw.
We say the meat is
when half roasted. L. Watts.
Immature in age, judgment, or experience; inexperienced; young; raw; not trained; awkward;
. green
in years or judgmentI might be angry with the officious zeal which supposes that its
conceptions can instruct my gray hairs. Sir W. Scott.
Not seasoned; not dry; containing its natural juices;
wood, timber, etc. Shak.
Green brier
, a thorny climbing shrub (
– Emilaz rotundifolia
) having a yellowish green stem and thick leaves, with small clusters of flowers, common in the United States; – called also cat brier
. Green con
, the pollock.
– Green crab
, an edible, shore crab (
– Carcinus menas
) of Europe and America; – in New England locally named joe-rocker
. Green crop
, a crop used for food while in a growing or unripe state, as distingushed from a grain crop, root crop, etc.
– Green diallage
. (Min.)
Diallage, a variety of pyroxene.
– Green dragon
, a North American herbaceous plant (
– Arisæma Dracontium
), resembling the Indian turnip; – called also dragon root
. Green earth
, a variety of glauconite, found in cavities in amygdaloid and other eruptive rock, and used as a pigment by artists; – called also
– mountain green
. Green ebony
. (a)
A south American tree (
Jacaranda ovalifolia
), having a greenish wood, used for rulers, turned and inlaid work, and in dyeing. (b)
The West Indian green ebony.
See Ebony
. – Green fire
), a composition which burns with a green flame. It consists of sulphur and potassium chlorate, with some salt of barium (usually the nitrate), to which the color of the flame is due.
– Green fly
, any green species of plant lice or aphids, esp. those that infest greenhouse plants.
– Green gage
, (Bot.)
– Greengage
, in the Vocabulary. Green gland
, one of a pair of large green glands in Crustacea, supposed to serve as kidneys. They have their outlets at the bases of the larger antennæ.
– Green hand
, a novice.
– Green heart
, the wood of a lauraceous tree found in the West Indies and in South America, used for shipbuilding or turnery. The green heart of Jamaica and Guiana is the
– Nectandra Rodiœi
, that of Martinique is the Colubrina ferruginosa
. Green iron ore
) dufrenite.
– Green laver
, an edible seaweed (
– Ulva latissima
); – called also green sloke
. Green lead ore
), pyromorphite.
– Green linnet
, the greenfinch.
– Green looper
, the cankerworm.
– Green marble
), serpentine.
– Green mineral
, a carbonate of copper, used as a pigment. See
– Greengill
. Green monkey
a West African long-tailed monkey (
– Cercopithecus callitrichus
), very commonly tamed, and trained to perform tricks. It was introduced into the West Indies early in the last century, and has become very abundant there. Green salt of Magnus
(Old Chem.
), a dark green crystalline salt, consisting of ammonia united with certain chlorides of platinum.
– Green sand
) molding sand used for a mold while slightly damp, and not dried before the cast is made.
– Green sea
), a wave that breaks in a solid mass on a vessel’s deck.
– Green sickness
, chlorosis.
– Green snake
, one of two harmless American snakes (
– Cyclophis vernalis
, and C. æstivus
). They are bright green in color. Green turtle
, an edible marine turtle. See
– Turtle
. Green vitriol
. (a)
Sulphate of iron; a light green crystalline substance, very extensively used in the preparation of inks, dyes, mordants, etc.
Same as
– copperas
, melanterite
and sulphate of iron
. Green ware
, articles of pottery molded and shaped, but not yet baked.
– Green woodpecker
, a common European woodpecker (
Picus viridis
); – called also yaffle
, Noun.
The color of growing plants; the color of the solar spectrum intermediate between the yellow and the blue.
A grassy plain or plat; a piece of ground covered with verdant herbage;
as, the village
. green
O'er the smooth enameled
. Milton.
Fresh leaves or branches of trees or other plants; wreaths; – usually in the plural.
In that soft season when descending showers
Call forth the
Call forth the
, and wake the rising flowers. Pope.
Leaves and stems of young plants, as spinach, beets, etc., which in their green state are boiled for food.
Any substance or pigment of a green color.
Alkali green
, an alkali salt of a sulphonic acid derivative of a complex aniline dye, resembling emerald green; – called also
– Helvetia green
. Berlin green
. (Chem.)
See under
– Berlin
. Brilliant green
, a complex aniline dye, resembling emerald green in composition.
– Brunswick green
, an oxychloride of copper.
– Chrome green
. See under
– Chrome
. Emerald green
. (Chem.)
A complex basic derivative of aniline produced as a metallic, green crystalline substance, and used for dyeing silk, wool, and mordanted vegetable fiber a brilliant green; – called also
aldehyde green
, acid green
, malachite green
, Victoria green
, solid green
, etc. It is usually found as a double chloride, with zinc chloride, or as an oxalate. (b)
– Paris green
(below). Gaignet's green
a green pigment employed by the French artist, Adrian Gusgnet, and consisting essentially of a basic hydrate of chromium.
– Methyl green
, an artificial rosaniline dyestuff, obtained as a green substance having a brilliant yellow luster; – called also
– light-green
. Mineral green
. See under
– Mineral
. Mountain green
. – Paris green
, a poisonous green powder, consisting of a mixture of several double salts of the acetate and arsenite of copper. It has found very extensive use as a pigment for wall paper, artificial flowers, etc., but particularly as an exterminator of insects, as the potato bug; – called also
– Schweinfurth green
, imperial green
, Vienna green
, emerald qreen
, and mitis green
. Scheele's green
, a green pigment, consisting essentially of a hydrous arsenite of copper; – called also
Swedish green
. It may enter into various pigments called parrot green
, pickel green
, Brunswick green
, nereid green
, or emerald green
imp. & p. p.
: p. pr. & vb. n.
.] To make green.
To become or grow green.
slope and singing flood. Whittier.
Webster 1828 Edition
, a.1.
Properly, growing, flourishing, as plants; hence, of the color of herbage and plants when growing, a color composed of blue and yellow rays, one of blue and yellow rays, one of the original prismatic colors; verdant.2.
New; fresh; recent; as a green wound. The greenest usurpation.
Fresh; flourishing; undecayed; as green old age.4.
Containing its natural juices; not dry; not seasoned; as green wood; green timber.5.
Not roasted; half raw. We say the meat is green, when half-roasted.
[Rarely, if ever used in America.]
Unripe; immature; not arrived to perfection; as green fruit. Hence,7.
Immature in age; young; as green in age or judgment.8.
Pale; sickly; wan; of a greenish pale color.GREEN
A grassy plain or plat; a piece of ground covered with verdant herbage. O'er the smooth enameled green.
Fresh leaves or branches of trees or other plants; wreaths; usually in the plural. The fragrant greens I seek, my brows to bind.
The leaves and stems of young plants used in cookery or dressed for food in the spring; in the plural.GREEN
Definition 2025
Alternative forms
Proper noun
- A common English surname.
Green (not comparable)
- (politics) Of, or pertaining, to a Green Party or green party.

Various shades of green
green (comparative greener, superlative greenest)
- Having green as its color.
- The former flag of Libya is completely green.
- 1898, Winston Churchill, chapter 8, in The Celebrity:
- The day was cool and snappy for August, and the Rise all green with a lavish nature. Now we plunged into a deep shade with the boughs lacing each other overhead, and crossed dainty, rustic bridges over the cold trout-streams, the boards giving back the clatter of our horses' feet: […] .
- (figuratively, of people) Sickly, unwell.
- Sally looks pretty green — is she going to be sick?
- William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
- to look so green and pale
- Unripe, said of certain fruits that change color when they ripen.
- (figuratively, of people) Inexperienced.
- John's kind of green, so take it easy on him this first week.
- Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)
- I might be angry with the officious zeal which supposes that its green conceptions can instruct my grey hairs.
- (figuratively, of people) Naïve or unaware of obvious facts.
- (figuratively, of people) Overcome with envy.
- He was green with envy.
- (figuratively) Environmentally friendly.
- 2013 May 10, Audrey Garric, “Urban canopies let nature bloom”, in The Guardian Weekly, volume 188, number 22, page 30:
- As towns continue to grow, replanting vegetation has become a form of urban utopia and green roofs are spreading fast. Last year 1m square metres of plant-covered roofing was built in France, as much as in the US, and 10 times more than in Germany, the pioneer in this field.
- (cricket) Describing a pitch which, even if there is no visible grass, still contains a significant amount of moisture.
- (dated) Of bacon or similar smallgoods: unprocessed, raw, unsmoked; not smoked or spiced.[1]
- (dated) Not fully roasted; half raw.
- Isaac Watts (1674-1748)
- We say the meat is green when half roasted.
- Isaac Watts (1674-1748)
- Of freshly cut wood or lumber that has not been dried: containing moisture and therefore relatively more flexible or springy.
- That timber is still too green to be used.
- (Can we find and add a quotation of Shakespeare to this entry?)
- (wine) High or too high in acidity.
- Full of life and vigour; fresh and vigorous; new; recent.
- a green manhood; a green wound
- Edmund Burke (1729-1797)
- as valid against such an old and beneficent government as against […] the greenest usurpation
- (Philippines) Having a sexual connotation.
- (particle physics) Having a color charge of green.
- (having green as its color): verdant
- (of bacon: unprocessed): raw, unprocessed, unsmoked
- (of wine: high in acidity): tart
- See also Wikisaurus:new
- See also Wikisaurus:inexperienced
- See also Wikisaurus:gullible
- (having green as its colour): nongreen, ungreen
- (having green as its colour charge): antigreen
- (of bacon: unprocessed): processed, smoked, spiced
- (of wine: high in acidity): cloy, sweet
- (of certain fruits: ready to be eaten): ripe
Derived terms
Look at pages starting with green.
Terms derived from green
Related terms
Related terms
having green as its colour
environmentally friendly
cricket pitch
of bacon, etc.: unprocessed, raw
of fruit: unripe
- ↑ “unsmoked bacon used to be called green bacon, though the term is losing currency” Delia Online: Bacon, including gammon
green (plural greens)
- The colour of growing foliage, as well as other plant cells containing chlorophyll; the colour between yellow and blue in the visible spectrum; one of the primary additive colour for transmitted light; the colour obtained by subtracting red and blue from white light using cyan and yellow filters.
green colour:
- (politics, sometimes capitalised) A member of a green party; an environmentalist.
- (golf) A putting green, the part of a golf course near the hole.
- (bowls) The surface upon which bowls is played.
- (snooker) One of the colour balls used in snooker, with a value of 3 points.
- (Britain) a public patch of land in the middle of a settlement.
- A grassy plain; a piece of ground covered with verdant herbage.
- Milton
- o'er the smooth enamelled green
- Milton
- (chiefly in the plural) Fresh leaves or branches of trees or other plants; wreaths.
- Alexander Pope
- In that soft season when descending showers / Call forth the greens, and wake the rising flowers.
- Alexander Pope
- Any substance or pigment of a green colour.
- (Britain, slang, uncountable) marijuana.
- (US, uncountable) Money.
- (particle physics) One of the three color charges for quarks.
- (environmentalist): environmentalist, greenie (Australian), tree hugger, treehugger
- (green vegetables): veg (informal)
- (putting green): putting green
- (surface on which bowls is played): bowling green
Derived terms
Terms derived from the noun green
Related terms
member of a green party
putting green — see putting green
bowling green — see bowling green
green (third-person singular simple present greens, present participle greening, simple past and past participle greened)
- (transitive) To make (something) green, to turn (something) green.
- Thomson
- Great spring before greened all the year.
- Thomson
- To become or grow green in colour.
- (Can we find and add a quotation of Tennyson to this entry?)
- By greening slope and singing flood. — Whittier.
- (transitive) To add greenspaces to (a town).
- (intransitive) To become environmentally aware.
- (transitive) To make (something) environmentally friendly.
- (make (something) green): engreen
Derived terms
make (something) green
add green spaces to
- Turkmen: Template:tk
See also
Colors in English · colors, colours (layout · text) | ||||
red | green | yellow | cream | white |
crimson | magenta | teal | lime | pink |
indigo | blue | orange | gray, grey | violet |
black | purple | brown | azure, sky blue | cyan |
- IPA(key): /ɡriːn/
green m
Usage notes
Although the official term for the green is jamkoviště, it is rarely used in practice. Instead, unofficial Czech versions of the English word green, variously spelled green, grýn, and grín, are used in practice.[1]
Declension of green
green c (definite singular greenen, indefinite plural greens, definite plural greenene)
- (golf) a green, putting green (the closely mown area surrounding each hole on a golf course)
German Low German
Alternative forms
Norwegian Bokmål
green m (definite singular greenen, indefinite plural greener, definite plural greenene)
- (golf) a green, putting green (the closely mown area surrounding each hole on a golf course)