Definition 2025





gribēt tr., 3rd conj., pres. gribu, gribi, grib, past gribēju

  1. to want (to feel the need for something, to desire something)
    gribēt ēst, dzert ― to be hungry, thirsty (lit. to want to eat, to drink)
    gribēt strādāt, mācīties ― to want to work, to study
    bērns grib gulēt ― the child wants to sleep
    dara, ko grib ― (he) does what (he) wants
    gribot negribotwanting, not wanting (= willy-nilly)
    negribēt (ne) dzirdēt ― not (even) want to hear (= to be categorically against)
    visas tautas grib mieru, grib celt jaunus namus, dēstīt dārzus ― all peoples want piece, (they) want to build new houses, to plant gardens
  2. to want (to intend, to plan)
    Ozols gribēja Vili iepazīstin
    viņš grib līdz vakaram pabeigt iesākto darbu ― he wants to finish the work (he) started by evening
  3. (colloquial) to want (to be able to (in a given situation), to be about to)
    mitrā malka negribēja degt ― the wet firewood didn't want to (= couldn't, wouldn't) burn
    gribēju izdarīt lielu kļūdu ― I wanted (= was about) to make a big mistake
    skapis gandrīz gribēja apgāzties ― the cupboard almost wanted (= was likely) to fall over
    tik liels un pieaudzis viņš ilgos gados bija kļuvis, ka Pelašķiene to pirmajā mirklī lāgā pazīt negribēja ― (in, during) many years he had grown so big that Pelašķiene at first didn't quite want to (= couldn't quite) recognize him



Derived terms

  • gribēties
  • iegribēt, iegribēties
  • izgribēties
  • pārgribēties
  • sagribēt, sagribēties
  • (dated terms) uzgribēt, uzgribēties

Related terms

  • griba


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), gribēt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7