Definition 2025



See also: inga, Inga, and Iŋgá




  1. to be included, to join, to belong, to follow without extra cost
    momsen ingår
    VAT is included
  2. to join, to be hired
    Han blef svensk undersåte och ingick vid K. biblioteket i Stockholm
    He became a Swedish citizen and was hired at the Royal library in Stockholm
  3. to enter (engagement, marriage or an agreement)
    Under året hafva ingåtts 77 äktenskap
    During the year have been entered 77 marriages
    För de stater, som ingått kapitulationer med Turkiet, ...
    For those states, which have entered capitulation [agreement] with Turkey, ...
  4. to address (a high authority), to submit a request
    Före riksdagen 1847-48 hade judarna ingått till kunglig majestät med begäran om...
    Before the parliament session of 1847-48 the jews had sent an address to his royal majesty with a request for...
