Webster 1913 Edition







Definition 2025



See also: nomen



Nomen n (genitive Nomens, plural Nomen or Nomina)

  1. (grammar) parts of speech which can be declined, i.e. substantive, adjective, numeral, article, pronoun
  2. (grammar) a substantive or adjective; a noun (broad sense)
    • 1796, Christian Gottlob Bröder, Practische Grammatik der lateinischen Sprache. Dritte verbesserte Auflage, Leipzig, p.5:
      Vom Nomine, insbesondere dem Substantivo. Ein Nomen (Nennwort) ist entweder ein Substantivum (Hauptwort) oder Adjektivum (Beywort). Ein Nomen substantivum ist die Benennung einer Person oder Sache, wo man im Deutschen der, oder die, oder das, oder ein, eine, ein vorsetzt, als homo der Mensch, terra die Erde, frumentum das Getraide, annus ein Jahr. Ist die Bennung nur Einer Person oder Sache eigen, so heißt sie ein Nomen proprium (ein eigner Name); dergleichen sind alle Vor- und Zunamen der Menschen, die Namen der Länder, Städte, Berge, Flüsse rc.
  3. (grammar, younger usage, as yet less common) substantive; noun (narrow sense)
  4. (in some compound words derived from Latin and in some Latin phrases) name

Usage notes

  • The normal word for “noun”, in the narrow sense that the word tends to have in English, is Substantiv.


  • Note: In older literature Nomen is sometimes declined like Latin nomen.



  • Indeklinabile
  • Defectiva Numero (plural)
  • Defectiva Casu, Defectiva Casibus (plural)
    • Aptoton, Monoptoton, Diptoton, Triptoton, Tetraptoton, Pentaptoton
  • Verbalnomen (= Verbale)
  • (hyponyms of noun substantive:) see also Substantiv#Hyponyms
    • Substantivum mobile, Substantivum immobile
    • Nomen Acti, Nomen Actionis, Nomen Agentis, Nomen Instrumenti, Nomen Patientis, Nomen postverbale (= Postverbale), Nomen Qualitatis, Nominalabstraktum, Verbalsubstantiv
    • (in Arab Grammar:) Nomen unitatis, Nomen vicis, Nomen speciei

Derived terms

  • adnominal
  • Basisnomen n
  • Nomengruppe f
  • nominal
  • Nominalisierung f
  • Nominalkompositum
  • Nominalpräfix
  • Prädikatsnomen n
  • Pronomen n
  • (name:)
    • Agnomen, Kognomen (Cognomen), Pränomen n
    • nomen est omen, nomen et omen, N. N. (nomen nescio, nomen nominandum)
    • Nomenklator (dated: Nomenclator), nomenklatorisch, Nomenklatur (→ Nomenklaturkader), Nomenklatura
    • Nomen dubium, Nomen nudum
  • (in accountancy, jurisprudence:) Nomina activa, Nomina passiva (pl.)



See also: Nomen




  1. third-person plural present indicative of nomar
  2. third-person plural present subjunctive of nomar



From Proto-Indo-European *h₁nómn̥ (name). The long ō (and spurious g in compounds) is from false association with gnōscō (know, recognize). In the grammatical sense of “noun”, it is a calque of Ancient Greek ὄνομα (ónoma).

Cognates include Hittite 𒆷𒀀𒈠𒀭 (lāman), Ancient Greek ὄνομα (ónoma), Sanskrit नामन् (nā́man), Tocharian A ñom, Old Irish ainmm, Old Church Slavonic имѧ (imę), and Old English nama (English name).


  • (Classical) IPA(key): /ˈnoː.men/, [ˈnoː.mẽ]


nōmen n (genitive nōminis); third declension

  1. name
  2. the middle name of a three-part freedman's Latin name
  3. title
  4. (grammar) noun (i.e. substantive, adjective, pronoun, article or numeral)
    • c. 95 CE, Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria 1.4.17–18
      Tum videbit, ad quem hoc pertinet, quot et quae partes orationis; quanquam de numero parum convenit. Veteres enim, quorum fuerunt Aristoteles quoque atque Theodectes, verba modo et nomina et convinctiones tradiderunt; videlicet quod in verbis vim sermonis, in nominibus materiam (quia alterum est quod loquimur, alterum de quo loquimur) []
      He, whom this matter shall concern, will then understand how many parts of speech there are and what they are, though as to their number, writers are by no means agreed. For the more ancient, among whom were Aristotle and Theodectes, said that there were only verbs, nouns, and convinctions, because, that is to say, they judged that the force of language was in verbs, and the matter of it in nouns (since the one is what we speak, and the other that of which we speak) []


Third declension neuter.

Case Singular Plural
nominative nōmen nōmina
genitive nōminis nōminum
dative nōminī nōminibus
accusative nōmen nōmina
ablative nōmine nōminibus
vocative nōmen nōmina


  • onoma (Mediaeval Latin)


Derived terms

Related terms



  • nomen in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • nomen in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • NOMEN in Charles du Fresne du Cange’s Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition, 1883–1887)
  • Félix Gaffiot (1934), “nomen”, in Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Paris: Hachette.
  • Meissner, Carl; Auden, Henry William (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • to think of a person with a grateful sense of his goodness: nomen alicuius grato animo prosequi
    • to win renown amongst posterity by some act: nomen suum posteritati aliqua re commendare, propagare, prodere
    • to immortalise one's name: memoriam nominis sui immortalitati tradere, mandare, commendare
    • nominally; really: verbo, nomine; re, re quidem vera
    • etymology (not etymologia): nominum interpretatio
    • to form, derive a word from... (used of the man who first creates the word): vocabulum, verbum, nomen ducere ab, ex...
    • the word amicitia comes from amare: nomen amicitiae (or simply amicitia) dicitur ab amando
    • the word carere means..: vox, nomen carendi or simply carere hoc significat (Tusc. 1. 36. 88)
    • the word aemulatio is employed with two meanings, in a good and a bad sense: aemulatio dupliciter dicitur, ut et in laude et in vitio hoc nomen sit
    • money is outstanding, unpaid: pecunia in nominibus est
    • I have money owing me: pecuniam in nominibus habeo
    • to become a candidate: nomen profiteri or simply profiteri
    • to accuse, denounce a person: nomen alicuius deferre (apud praetorem) (Verr. 2. 38. 94)
    • (ambiguous) to enlist oneself: nomen (nomina) dare, profiteri
    • to fail to answer one's name: ad nomen non respondere (Liv. 7. 4)
    • (ambiguous) to give the etymological explanation of words: nomina enodare or verborum origines quaerere, indagare
    • (ambiguous) to book a debt: nomina facere or in tabulas referre
    • (ambiguous) to pay one's debts: nomina (cf. sect. XIII. 3) solvere, dissolvere, exsolvere
    • (ambiguous) to demand payment of, recover debts: nomina exigere (Verr. 3. 10. 28)
    • (ambiguous) the agent (nomenclator) mentions the names of constituents to the canvasser: nomina appellat (nomenclator)
    • (ambiguous) to enlist oneself: nomen (nomina) dare, profiteri
  • nomen in Harry Thurston Peck, editor (1898) Harper's Dictionary of Classical Antiquities, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • nomen in William Smith et al., editor (1890) A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, London: William Wayte. G. E. Marindin