Definition 2025






  1. 2nd person plural present indicative form of sargāt

sargāt tr., 2nd/3rd conj., pres. sargāju, sargā, sargā / sargu, sargi, sarga, past sargāju

  1. to protect, to guard (to act in such a way that something, some place, etc. becomes unavailable, inaccessible to undesirable or unauthorized people)
    sargāt rūpnīcu ― to protect the factory
    sargāt teritoriju ― to protect the territory
    sargāt munīcijas noliktavu ― to guard the ammunition depo
    sargāt nometni, cietumu ― to guard the camp, the prison
    sarga veikalu kāds večuks ― some old man guards the store
  2. to protect (to prevent something unwanted, undesirable from happening to someone, usually an important person)
    sargāt valsts vadītājus ― to protect the heads of state
    sargāt sūtni ― to protect the messenger
    sargāt parlamentārus ― to protect the members of parliament
  3. (usually of military forces) to protect, to defend (to prevent the enemy from attacking, spying, etc.)
    sargāt robežu ― to protect, to defend the border
    dzimteni 'sargājot / asinis liet / dzīvību atdot / es arī varuprotecting (my) fatherland / shed blood / give (my) life / I also can
    es, māsiņa, tālu eju sargāt savu tēvu zemi ― I, sister, am going far (away) to protect my fatherland
  4. to protect, to guard (to prevent something or someone from being stolen, destroyed, attacked, etc.; also of animals)
    cilvēks sarga savu mantu no laupītājiem ― a person protects his property from thieves
    tās ir plūmes; man viņas jāsargā, lai citi berni nenošķin ― these are plums; I must protect, guard them, so that other children won't pluck them off
    Oskars iegādājies suni, lai sargā māju ― Oskars purchased a dog to protect (his) house
    stirna savus mazuļus ļoti sargā, aizdzenot ienaidniekus ar stipro priekškāju sitieniem ― the doe protects her babies, driving the enemies away with strong blows of (her) front legs
  5. to guard, to watch over (to limit the freedom of action of someone, usually a prisoner)
    sargāt cietumniekus ― to guard the prisoners
  6. to protect, to shelter (to use something carefully, to prevent bad external influences on something)
    sargāt jauno uzvalku ― to protect the new suit
    sargāt mašīnu no bojājumiem ― to protect the car from damage
    sargāt mežu no uguns ― to protect the forest from fire(s)
    sargāt veselību ― to protect one's health
    sargāt acis ― to protect one's eyes (e.g., from excessive sunlight)
    mitrums ļoti nelabvēlīgi ietekmē koka ķīļu izturīgumu, tāpēc tie darbā jāsargā no samirkšanas ― humidity has a very detrimental effect on the resistance of wooden wedges; because of this, (one) must protect them from getting wet in (= during) work
    līgava attin vaļā lakatu, kas to sargājis no dubļiem un ceļa grants ― the bride removes the scarf, so as to protect it from dirt and road gravel
  7. to protect, to keep, to guard (to make something, e.g., honor, tradition, relationships, be preserved)
    es vēl nezināju, ka draudzība ir ļoti, ļoti jāsargā ― I still didn't know that friendship must really, really be protected
    vainaga gods meitai jāsarga, kamēr tā ir meitas kārta un nes vainagu— the girl must keep, preserve the crown's honor, as long as it is the girl's time and she wears the crown
    vēstures un kultūras pieminekļus sargā likums ― the law protects historical and cultural monuments
    pilsoņu dzīvokļu neaizskaramību sargā likums ― the law protects the inviolability of citizen's homes




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Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
  • aizsargāt
  • apsargāt
  • izsargāt
  • nosargāt
  • pasargāt
  • piesargāt
  • other derived terms:
  • sargāties

Related terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), sargāt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7