Definition 2024





strādnieks m (1st declension, feminine form: strādniece)

  1. (male) worker, workman, laborer (a man, person who with his or her work produces something material or cultural)
    čakls strādnieks ― hard-working laborer
    teicams strādnieks ― excellent worker
    garīga darba strādnieks ― clerical worker
    vairums iedzīvotāju bija vienkārši gadījuma strādnieki, kas dzīvoja, tā sakot, no rokas mutē ― the majority of the inhabitants were simply casual laborers, workers, who lived, so to speak, from hand to mouth
  2. (male) worker, workman (a man, person who, under a contract of employment, works (e.g., in industry), usually directly in contact with the object being produced)
    strādnieku šķira ― working (lit. workers') class
    strādnieku meistarības konkurssworkers' skills competition
    strādnieku ciematsworkers' village
    Māra nāca no vienkāršas strādnieku ģimenes ― Māra came from a simple worker family


Related terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), strādāt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7