Definition 2025





strādāt tr. or intr., 2nd conj., pres. strādāju, strādā, strādā, past strādāju

  1. to work (to perform certain actions so as to produce something of material or cultural value)
    čakli, intensīvi strādāt ― to work dilligently, intensively
    strādāt labi, lēni ― to work well, slowly
    strādāt no rīta līdz vakaram ― to work from morning to night
    strādāt pagalmā ― to work in the yard
    strādāt pie rakstāmgalda ― to work at the desk
    strādāt bērnu labā ― to work for the benefit of the children
    kas nestrādā, tam nebūs ēst ― who doesn't work, won't have (anything) to eat
    raksturs skarbs, bet strādāt viņa prata ― (her) character is rough, but she knows how to work
    galvenais, ka vēl varu strādāt: kamēr cilvēks strādā, tikmēr dzīvo ― the important thing is that I still can work: as long as people work, they live
    un viņi strādāja: Jānis ara, ecēja, sēja, pļāva, cirta kokus, vēla akmeņus... ― and they worked: Jānis plowed, harrowed, sowed, reaped, cut down trees, rolled stones (away)...
  2. to work (to perform certain activities, usually for a long time, in exchange for payment)
    strādāt rūpnīcā ― to work in a factory
    strādāt uz kuģa ― to work on a ship
    strādāt par šoferi ― to work as a driver
    tēvs iet pa nakti strādāt maiznīca ― father goes by night to work in a bakery
  3. to work in (something) (to perform certain activities systematically, in a certain specialty or area of interest)
    strādāt lauksaimniecībā ― to work in agriculture
    strādāt izglītībā ― to work in education
    strādāt rakstniecībā ― to work in literature
    meistars teicami strādāja arī karikatūrā ― the master also worked excellently (= did excellent work) in caricature
    Eduards Vītols joprojām turpināja strādāt iemīļotajā akvarelī ― Eduards Vītols continued on working on his beloved watercolors
    strādāt pie izgudrojuma ― to work on an invention
  4. to work on (something) (to perform certain activities relating to the making or preparing of something)
    strādāt pie izgudrojuma ― to work on an invention
    strādāt pie zinātniska temata ― to work on a scientific topic
    strādāt pie disertācijas ― to work on (one's) dissertation
    strādājot pie Stellas Kempbelas lomas, gribējās atklāt šīs aktrises iekšējo pasauli ― working on the role of Stella Campbell, I wanted to reveal this actress' inner world
  5. to work with (to be systematically busy with the training or teaching, e.g., of a group of people)
    strādāt ar kori ― to work with the choir
    strādāt ar deju ansambli ― to work with a dance ensemble
    strādāt ar bērniem ― to work with children
    populārākais vieds, kā muzejā strādā ar apmeklētāju, ir ekskursija ― the most popular way in which they work with the visitors at the museum, is (to do an) excursion
  6. to work with (to use something while working)
    strādāt ar jaunām mašīnām ― to work with new machines
    strādāt ar lapstu ― to work with a shovel
    strādāt ar eļļas krāsām ― to work with oil paints
    strādāju mājā ar vārdnīcu līdz pusnaktij, dažreiz arī vēlāk ― I work with the dictionary at home until midnight, sometimes later
  7. (transitive) to work, to do a certain work, a job, or at a certain time
    strādāt fizisku darbu ― to work, do physical labor
    strādāt smagu darbu ― to do hard work
    strādāt gadījuma darbus ― to work, do odd jobs
    strādāt virsstundas ― to work overtime
    strādāt palaidnības ― to work (= do) mischief
    Leontīne strādāja valsts darbu ar cietu algu un apmaksātu atvaļinājumu ― Leontīne worked in a public job with a fixed salary and paid vacation
    ja viņa domāja par bērnības dienām, arvien atcērējās sevi, mazu meiteni, kaut ko strādājam: vai nu bija jānes ūdens, vai malka, vai jāmazgā grīda, vai vēl kas cits jādara ― if she thought about her childhood days, she always remembered herself (as a) small girl working on something: either (she) had to carry water, or firewood, or wash the floor, or (there was) something else to do
  8. (agriculture, transitive) to prepare land for sowing
    smilts augsne ir irdena, viegli strādājama, ātri iesislst, bet arī ātri atdziest ― sand soil is light, easy to work, it warms up quickly but it also cools quickly
  9. (of institutions, enterprises, businesses; usually 3rd person) to work (to be open, to be in the process of carrying out its tasks)
    rūpnīca strādā trijās maiņās ― the factory works in three shifts
    poliklīnika strādā no astoņiem rītā ― the clinic works, is open from eight a.m.
    veikals strādā bez pusdienas pārtraukuma ― the shop works without a lunch break
    ir sestdienas rīts, un kantoris nestrādā ― it is Saturday morning, and the office does not work, is not open
  10. (of machines, devices) to work (to function normally, to be able to carry out its normal functions or tasks; also figuratively)
    traktors strādā labi ― the tractor is working well
    mehānisms strādā precīzi ― the mechanism works precisely, with precision
    telefons nestrādā ― the telephone isn't working
    lai cik neatlaidīgi strādāja saule no agra rīta līdz vēlam vakaram, tā tomēr vēl nebija paspējusi nokausēt biezo sniegu ― however steadily the sun worked from early morning till late evening, it still could not melt the thick snow
  11. (of body parts, of bodily and mental processes; usually 3rd person) to work (to function, to fulfil its normal functions)
    domas strādā ātri ― thoughts work fast
    ir fizisks darbs, kad galvenokārt strādā muskuļi ― there is physical work, when mostly the muscles work
    sirds strādāja kā ar veseri: tuk-tuk-tuk... ― (her) heart was working like a sledgehammer: tuk-tuk-tuk...
  12. (of animals; usually 3rd person) to work (to carry out a certain expected action or task)
    iejūgti zirgi strādāja visu laiku ― the yoked horses worked all the time
    bitītes medu nes, pulciņā strādādamas ― the little bees carry honey, working in small group(s)


Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
  • apstrādāt
  • atstrādāt
  • iestrādāt
  • izstrādāt
  • nostrādāt
  • pastrādāt
  • pārstrādāt
  • piestrādāt
  • sastrādāt
  • uzstrādāt
other derived terms:

See also


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), strādāt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7