Definition 2024



See also: tulda




  1. (intransitive) to come, arrive, show up
    • Tiit-Rein Viitso, Valts Ernštreits (2012–2013), Līvõkīel-ēstikīel-lețkīel sõnārōntõz, Tartu, Rīga: TÜ, LVA
      se brik um tund Sīkrõgõl aigõ
      this brig has come to Sīkrags' coast
      sǟl um seļļi aerodrōm, kus tulbõd mōzõ ne helikopterõd
      there is this aerodrome where these helicopters land (lit. come to ground)
      sa tulād neiku salāj īezõ
      you come like a thief in the night
      tulgid, neitsõd, vaņțlõmõ!
      come, maidens, behold!
      ta tuļ ulzõ tūlõ
      he came out in the wind
      alā tul min sīlma alā!
      don't come near me / I don't ever want to see you again! (lit. don't come in my eyes!)
      kunā tēg tultõ?
      when will you come? (lit. when do you come?)
  2. (intransitive) to come (open, undone, etc.), give in, move
  3. (intransitive) to (start to) charge at (someone), overwhelm
  4. (intransitive) to come out, end up being (a certain quality)



  1. tulema in Metsmägi, Iris; Sedrik, Meeli; Soosaar, Sven-Erik (2012), Eesti etümoloogiasõnaraamat, Tallinn: Eesti Keele Instituut, ISBN 978-9985-79-478-4