Definition 2025





ticēt intr. + dat., 3rd conj., pres. ticu, tici, tic, past ticēju

  1. to believe (to have a belief in something; to accept something, someone's opinion, authority, as true, valid)
    tam nevar ticēt ― one can't believe that
    ticēt ārstam ― to believe (one's) doctor
    ticēt zinātnes sasniegumiem ― to believe the achievements of science
    stipri, akli ticēt ― to believe strongly, blindly
    vienmēr vajag ticēt savai laimei ― one must always believe in one's happiness
    jaunība ir ticība brīnumam... jauni būdami, mēs neprasām, vai mūsu vēlēšanās ir prātīga, iespējama; mēs ilgojamies un ticam, ka ilgotais piepildīsies tikai tādēļ, ka mēs to tik ļoti gaidām ― youth is faith in miracles... being young, we don't ask if our desires are sensible, possible; we desire and believe that our desires will be fulfilled simply because we want them so much
  2. to believe, to trust (to have confidence in someone's credibility, sincerity, in someone's perspectives or potential)
    ticēt solījumiem ― to believe in promises
    viņam nevar ticēt ― one can't believe (= trust) him
    viņš netic nevienam ― he believes (= trusts) nobody
    ticēt cilvēkam, jaunatnei ― to believe in people, in youth
    ticēt sev ― to believe in oneself
    ticēt saviem spēkiem ― to believe in one's strength
    neticēt savām acīm ― to not believe one's (own) eyes (= to be surprised by what one sees)
  3. (religion, mythology) to believe (to accept, to have faith in the existence and power of a god or gods, supernatural beings or forces)
    ticēt dievam ― to believe in god
    ticēt liktenim ― to believe in fate
    ticēt pārdabiskiem spēkiem ― to believe in supernatural forces
    mans tēvs tic ļaunai acij ― my father believes in the evil eye
    ticēt Dievam nozīmē iegūt pieredzi par vēl kādu realitāti mūsos, saskaņā ar kuru savā dzīvē iegūstam līdzsvaru, mieru un dzīves jēgas izpratni ― to believe in God means to acquire experience with another reality in us, whereby we obtain a balance in our lives, piece, and an understanding of the meaning of life


Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
  • noticēt
  • uzticēt
other derived terms:
  • ticamība
  • ticība
  • ticīgs
  • ticējums


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), ticēt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7