Webster 1913 Edition



[L., fr. Gr. [GREEK] poppy juice, dim. of [GREEK] vegetable juice.]
The inspissated juice of the
Papaver somniferum
, or white poppy.
☞ Opium is obtained from incisions made in the capsules of the plant, and the best flows from the first incision. It is imported into Europe and America chiefly from the Levant, and large quantities are sent to China from India, Persia, and other countries. It is of a brownish yellow color, has a faint smell, and bitter and acrid taste. It is a stimulant narcotic poison, which may produce hallicinations, profound sleep, or death. It is much used in medicine to soothe pain and inflammation, and is smoked as an intoxicant with baneful effects.
Opium joint
a low resort of opium smokers.

Webster 1828 Edition



[L. opium; Gr. from juice.]
Opium is the inspissated juice of the capsules of the papaver somniferum, or somniferous white poppy with which the fields in Asia Minor are sown, as ours are with wheat and rye. It flows from incisions made in the heads of the plant, and the best flows from the first incision. It is imported into Europe and America from the Levant and the East Indies. It is brought in cakes or masses weighing from eight ounces to a pound. It is heavy, of a dense texture, of a brownish yellow color, not perfectly dry, but easily receiving an impression from the finger; it has a dead and faint smell, and its taste is bitter and acrid. Opium is of great use as a medicine.

Definition 2025



See also: opium, ópíum, and Opium



ópium (plural ópiumok)

  1. opium


Inflection (stem in -o-, back harmony)
singular plural
nominative ópium ópiumok
accusative ópiumot ópiumokat
dative ópiumnak ópiumoknak
instrumental ópiummal ópiumokkal
causal-final ópiumért ópiumokért
translative ópiummá ópiumokká
terminative ópiumig ópiumokig
essive-formal ópiumként ópiumokként
inessive ópiumban ópiumokban
superessive ópiumon ópiumokon
adessive ópiumnál ópiumoknál
illative ópiumba ópiumokba
sublative ópiumra ópiumokra
allative ópiumhoz ópiumokhoz
elative ópiumból ópiumokból
delative ópiumról ópiumokról
ablative ópiumtól ópiumoktól
Possessive forms of ópium
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. ópiumom ópiumaim
2nd person sing. ópiumod ópiumaid
3rd person sing. ópiuma ópiumai
1st person plural ópiumunk ópiumaink
2nd person plural ópiumotok ópiumaitok
3rd person plural ópiumuk ópiumaik



  1. Gábor Zaicz, Etimológiai szótár: Magyar szavak és toldalékok eredete, Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2006, ISBN 963 7094 01 6