Definition 2025





вървя (vǎrvjá) impf

  1. (intransitive) to walk (to move on foot)
    Тя е в инвалидна количка, защото не може да върви. - She's in a wheelchair because she can't walk.
  2. (intransitive) to go (usually on foot), to move from one place to another (usually on foot)
    Върви да му кажеш! - Go tell him!
  3. (intransitive) to move on or as if on wheels, to run
    Влаковете вървят по релси. - Trains run on rails.
  4. (intransitive) to function (correctly), to operate (normally), to be operational, to work, to run, to go
    Двигателят върви с бензин. - The engine runs on gasoline.
    Колата ми спря да върви. - My car stopped running.
    Върви ли тоя часовник? - Does this clock work?
    Онзи компютър върви двайсет и четири часа на ден. - That computer runs twenty-four hours a day.
  5. (intransitive) to progress, to proceed (well or poorly), to advance, to go, to work, to run, to pass
    Как вървят нещата? - How are things going?
    Търговията върви на добре. - Trade is improving.
    Работата не върви добре. - Business isn't going well.
    Как върви това дете в училище? - How is this child getting on at school?
    Преговорите вървят зле. - Negotiations are going badly.
    Времето върви. - Time passes.
    Времето върви бавно. - Time drags.
    Времето върви бързо. - Time is running fast.
  6. (intransitive) to be sold at a specific rate or price, to sell, to cost
    Как върви книгата? - How is the book selling?
    По колко вървят яйцата? - What are the eggs selling at?
  7. (intransitive) to extend from one point to another, to go, to run
    Пътят върви покрай реката. - The road goes/runs along the river.
  8. (intransitive) to lead in a certain direction or to a certain place, to go
    Този път върви ли до Форт Смит? - Does this road go/lead to Fort Smith?
  9. (intransitive) to be suitable, to harmonize, to be compatible, to fit, to befit, to suit, to match, to agree, tо accord, to go
    Този нюанс на червеното не върви със завесите. - This shade of red doesn't go with the drapes.
    Тия обувки не вървят с официален костюм. - These shoes don't match (with) a formal suits.
  10. (intransitive, numismatics) to be in circulation
    В Куба вървят две валути. - Cuba has two currencies in circulation.
    Tези банкноти не вървят - These banknotes are out of circulation/are no longer current.
  • (walk): ходя (hodja)
  • (go): отивам (otivam)
  • (move on wheels): движа се (dviža se)
  • (function): работя (rabotja)
  • (progress): напредвам (napredvam), развивам се (razvivam se)
  • (be sold): струвам (struvam), харча се (harča se)
  • (extend): минавам (minavam), простирам се (prostiram se)
  • (lead): водя (vodja)
  • (be suitable): отивам (otivam), подхождам (podhoždam), съчетавам се (sǎčetavam se), съответствам (sǎotvetstvam)
  • (be in circulation): циркулирам (cirkuliram)

Pronunciation 2


вървя (vǎrvjá)

  1. Second-person singular aorist indicative form of вървя.
  2. Third-person singular aorist indicative form of вървя.