Definition 2025



See also: -да and Appendix:Variations of "da"



да (da)

  1. word used to indicate agreement or acceptance: yes
    Да, прав си.Da, prav si. ― Yes, you are correct.

Pronunciation 2


да (da)

  1. used to express a command
    Да влезе!Da vleze! ― Let him/her/it come in!
    Да не съм те чул да се оплакваш!Da ne sǎm te čul da se oplakvaš! ― Don't let me hear you complain!
  2. used to express a wish
    Да почива в мир.Da počiva v mir. ― May he/she/it rest in peace.
    Да живее кралят.Da živee kraljat. ― Long live the king!
  3. used to make offers, suggestions or ask advice
    Да излезем ли по-късно?Da izlezem li po-kǎsno? ― Shall we go out later?
    Да вървим!Da vǎrvim! ― Let's go!
  4. used to ask questions
    Да си ми виждал ключовете?Da si mi viždal ključovete? ― Have you seen my keys?
    Да съм ти искал мнението?Da sǎm ti iskal mnenieto? ― Did I ask your opinion?


да (da)

  1. conjunction: to (or in some other cases, such as modal verbs, it is not translated)
    Искам да напусна.Iskam da napusna. ― I want to leave.
    Не знам как да го кажа.Ne znam kak da go kaža. ― I don’t know how to say it.
    Да се греши е човешко.Da se greši e čoveško. ― To err is human.
    Да бъдеш или да не бъдеш, това е въпросът.Da bǎdeš ili da ne bǎdeš, tova e vǎprosǎt. ― To be, or not to be: that is the question:
    Желанието му да я срещне беше много голямо.Želanieto mu da ja sreštne beše mnogo goljamo. ― His desire to meet her was very strong.
    Отидох да я видя.Otidoh da ja vidja. ― I went to see her.
    Започва да вали.Započva da vali. ― It's starting to rain.
    Да ти кажа истината,...Da ti kaža istinata,... ― To tell you the truth,...
    Мога да плувам.Moga da pluvam. ― I can swim.
    Трябва да тръгвам.Trjabva da trǎgvam. ― I must go.
    Видях го да влиза.Vidjah go da vliza. ― I saw him come in.
    Чух я да пее.Čuh ja da pee. ― I heard her singing.
    Продължавам да работя.Prodǎlžavam da rabotja. ― I continue working.
  2. if (only for conditions that are known to be false)
    Да си беше свършил работата както трябва, сега нямаше да сме забъркани в тази каша.Da si beše svǎršil rabotata kakto trjabva, sega njamaše da sme zabǎrkani v tazi kaša. ― If you had done your job properly, we wouldn't be in this mess now.



да (da)

  1. father



да (transliteration needed)

  1. big

Eastern Mari


да (da)

  1. and



да (da)

  1. father



From Proto-Slavic *da.


да (da)

  1. word used to indicate agreement or acceptance yes


да (da)

  1. if

Usage notes

  • This word is used in the sense of "if" mostly when the following verb is in the past tense or conditional mood or expresses an unrealistic scenario. Otherwise, "ако" tends to be used.


да (da)

  1. really
    Веќе не сакам зима. - Да?Veḱe ne sakam zima. - Da? ― I no longer like winter. - Really?


да (da)

  1. to (particle)
    Почнав да објаснувам.Počnav da objasnuvam. ― I started to explain.
    Можам да седнам.Možam da sednam. ― I can sit down.
  2. let, may
    Да не се вратиш никогаш.Da ne se vratiš nikogaš. ― May you never come back.
    Да му умрат родителите.Da mu umrat roditelite. ― May his parents die.

Old Church Slavonic


From Proto-Slavic *da.


да (da)

  1. in order to
  2. that
  3. to


Etymology 1

From Proto-Slavic *da.


  • IPA(key): [da]


да (da)

  1. yes
  • English: da


да (da)

  1. and
  2. but
    Да грана́ты у него́ не той систе́мы!
    Da granáty u nevó ne toj sistémy!
    It's just - his grenades are the wrong caliber! (Quoted from White Sun of the Desert after antagonist fails to obtain grenades.)


да (da)

  1. really
    Мы с ней расста́лись уже́ как ме́сяц наза́д.
    — My s nej rasstálisʹ užé kak mésjac nazád.
    “We broke up like a month ago.”
  2. yes (used to confirm that the person being addressed is listening)


да (da)

  1. let + verb
  2. may + verb
    да здра́вствует респу́бликаda zdrávstvujet respúblika ― long live the republic
    И сказа́л Бог: да бу́дет свет.I skazál Bog: da búdet svet. ― And God said: let there be light.

Etymology 2

Abbreviation of дека- (deka-)


  • IPA(key): [dʲɪkə]


да (da)

  1. da, deca- (x 10)



From Proto-Slavic *da, probably old imperative of the word да̏ти, itself from Proto-Indo-European *deh₃- (to give).


да (Latin spelling da)

  1. that
    рекао је да ће доћи ― he said that he would come
    одговорио сам му да немам појма о чему прића ― I've told him that I have no idea what he was talking about
  2. in order to, to
    дошао је да ми све исприча ― he came to tell me everything
    стигао је у нашу земљу да научи наш језик ― he arrived in our country in order to learn our language
  3. to (when the subjects of both clauses are not the same)
    он хоће да му покажете пут до станице ― he wants you to show him the way to the station
  4. (Serbian) to (when the subjects of both clauses are the same; for western Serbo-Croatian use infinitive instead of да + present tense)
    он жели да прича с вама ― he wants to talk with you
  5. if
    да сам на вашем м(ј)есту, не бих се пуно замарао таквим детаљима ― if I were you, I wouldn't bother too much with such details
    да си више радио, зарадио би више новца ― if you worked harder, you would have earned more money
  6. (with ка̏о) as if, like
    с(ј)ећам се, као да је било јуче(р) ― I remember, as if it were yesterday
    као да не знаш о чему причам ― as if you don't know what I'm talking about
  7. (а + да + не) without (usually after negative verbs)
    не могу се укључити у расправу, а да не направим неред ― I cannot enter a discussion without making a mess
    одлази, а да није рекао ни збогом ― he's leaving without even saying goodbye
  8. (а + и + да) even if
    а и да јесам то направио, не би то учинило неку разлику ― even if I did it, it wouldn't have made much of a difference
  9. lest
    онај који се бори против чудовишта треба пазити да тиме и сам не постане чудовиште ― he who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster


да (Latin spelling da)

  1. yes
    Је ли тако? Да! ― Is that so? Yes!
  2. used when starting a question
    да ли сте жедни? ― are you thirsty?
    реци ми да ли је то истина? ― tell me if that is true?
  3. in combination with other words, expressing wish, command etc.
    да се ниси усудио! ― don't you dare!
    да̑ Бог! ― may God grant it!
    да почнемо! ― let's begin!