Definition 2025





вя́рвам (vjárvam) impf

  1. (intransitive) to believe (to feel certain that something is true or that somebody is telling the truth)
    Не ти вярвам!Ne ti vjarvam! ― I don't believe you!
    С години вярвах на лъжите му.S godini vjarvah na lǎžite mu. ― I believed his lies for years.
    Преди хората са вярвали, че земята е плоска.Predi horata sa vjarvali, če zemjata e ploska. ― People used to believe that the earth was flat.
  2. (intransitive) to believe (to have a religious faith, to be religious)
    Бог се явява само на тези, които вярват.Bog se javjava samo na tezi, koito vjarvat. ― God appears only to those who believe.
  3. (intransitive) to trust (to have confidence in somebody)
    Вярвам на Мария.Vjarvam na Marija. ― I trust Maria.
  4. (intransitive) to trust (to believe that something is true or correct so that you can rely on it)
    Той вярваше на преценката ѝ.Toj vjarvaše na precenkata ì. ― He trusted her judgement.
  5. (intransitive) to believe in (to ascribe existence to)
    Вярваш ли в извънземни?Vjarvaš li v izvǎnzemni? ― Do you believe in aliens?
  6. (intransitive) to believe in (to have confidence in a person or entity's ability to accomplish or attain something)
    Вярвам в теб, човече! Ще се справиш!Vjarvam v teb, čoveče! Šte se spraviš! ― I believe in you, man! You can do it!



  • (to feel certain that something is true): повярвам (povjarvam)
  • (trust): доверявам се (doverjavam se), доверя се (doverja se)