Definition 2025
こうてん (romaji kōten)
- 公転: revolution of an astral body
- 交点: intersection point
- 光点: a bright or shining point
- 向点: the astronomical apex of a star system, particularly the solar system
- 好天: favorable or clement weather
- 荒天: bad or inclement weather
- 好転: a turn or change for the better
- 江天: the wide-open sky along a river; the river and the sky
- 昊天: the summer sky; the sky or heavens in general
- 皇天: God; the main god of the heavens; the emperor; the imperial prince; the imperial household
- 皇典: Japanese literary classics
- 後天: something acquired after birth, something postnatal (rather than inherent or in-born)
- 後転: a backward somersault or roll
- 高天: the high skies; the autumn sky
- 高点: the high points of something, the benefits or advantages of something; the best parts of a poem as determined by a judge in a poetry contest