Definition 2025
not have (Cantonese) woolen material; (question particle) (a measure word); to support; to sustain; to erect; to raise; branch; division; to draw moneysong sing; to call loudly; to chant simp. and trad.
(冇呢支歌仔唱)冇 呢 支 歌仔 唱 Literally: “this song is no longer sung”.
- (Cantonese, informal) ended; used up; outdated
- 舊時好安全㗎,大家都唔使鎖門,但係而家冇呢支歌仔唱囉。 [Cantonese, trad.]
- 旧时好安全㗎,大家都唔使锁门,但系而家冇呢支歌仔唱啰。 [Cantonese, simp.]
- Gau6 si4 hou2 on1 cyun4 gaa3, daai6 gaa1 dou1 m4 sai2 so2 mun4, daan6 hai6 ji4 gaa1mou5 ni1 zi1 go1 zai2 coeng3 lo3. [Jyutping]
- In the old days, it was so safe, people did not need to lock their doors, but now things don't work like that anymore.
- 而家個個都有得上網,冇去圖書館搵料呢支歌仔唱㗎喇。 [Cantonese, trad.]
- 而家个个都有得上网,冇去图书馆揾料呢支歌仔唱㗎喇。 [Cantonese, simp.]
- Ji4 gaa1 go3 go3 dou1 jau5 dak1 soeng5 mong5, mou5 heoi3 tou4 syu1 gun2 wan2 liu6-2ni1 zi1 go1 zai2 coeng3 gaa3 laa3. [Jyutping]
- Nowadays, everyone can go online, so going to the library for research isn't a thing anymore.