Webster 1913 Edition



[Cf. D.
A horse.
[Colloq. Eng.]

Definition 2024



See also: prad and prąd


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See also: Prad and prąd



prad (plural prads)

  1. (Britain, Australia, New Zealand, informal, dated) Horse.
    • 1754, John Poulter, The Discoveries of John Poulter, alias Baxter, Sherborne, p. 39,
      Horse Stealers, they go together always the Day before, to look over the Grounds for a good Prad or Prads []
    • 1821, David Haggart, The Life of David Haggart, written by himself while under sentence of death, London: W. and C. Tait, p. 22,
      We had fixed our eye on a horse-dealer, and had some conversation with him about the purchase of a prad; but we could not agree, and parted, on account of a deeker, who was eyeing us closely, and I observed him speak to the jockey.
    • 1838, Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist, Chapter XXXI,
      'Just send somebody out to relieve my mate, will you, young man?' said the officer; 'he's in the gig, a-minding the prad. [] '
    • 1893, Ernest Favenc, "Bunthorp's Decease" in Tales of the Austral Tropics, London: Osgood, MacIlvaine & Co., 1894,
      "Not a bad sort of a prad that brown one," he remarked; "looks a little gone in the near fore-leg."
    • 1938, Xavier Herbert, Capricornia, New York: D. Appleton-Century, 1943, Chapter XIII, p. 212,
      So smooth of face, so fine of eye, so much a beautiful part of his beautiful chestnut prad.


Alternative forms


From Vulgar Latin *praedō, from Latin praedor. Compare Romanian prăda, prad.


prad (past participle prãdatã)

  1. I plunder, pillage, sack, rob, loot.


Related terms