Webster 1828 Edition
A holding out or offering to others something false or feigned; a presenting to others, either in words or actions, a false or hypocritical appearance, usually with a view to conceal what is real, and thus to deceive. Under pretense of giving liberty to nations, the prince conquered and enslaved them. Under pretense of patriotism, ambitious men serve their own selfish purposes. Let not Trojans, with a feigned pretense
Of proffer'd peace, delude the Latian prince.
It is sometimes preceded by on; as on pretense of revenging Caesar's death.
Assumption; claim to notice. Never was any thing of this pretense more ingeniously imparted.
Claim, true or false. Primogeniture cannot have any pretense to a right of solely inheriting property or power.
Something held out to terrify or for other purpose; as a pretense of danger.Definition 2025
Alternative forms
- pretence (Only correct spelling in the UK, the Republic of Ireland, and Commonwealth countries, and historical use in the United States)
- prætense (archaic)
pretense (plural pretenses)
- (US) A false or hypocritical profession, as, under pretense of friendliness.
- Intention or purpose not real but professed.
- with only a pretense of accuracy
- An unsupported claim made or implied.
- An insincere attempt to reach a specific condition or quality.
- affectation denotes deception for the sake of escape from punishment or an awkward situation
- false pretense
- fiction
- imitation
- pretext
- sham
- subterfuge
- See also Wikisaurus:pretext
Related terms
false or hypocritical profession
External links
- pretense in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913
- pretense in The Century Dictionary, The Century Co., New York, 1911