Definition 2025



See also: truls and truļš


Proper noun


  1. A male given name.



See also: Truls and truļš


Alternative forms


truls (def. trulais, comp. trulāks, sup. vistrulākais; adv. truli)

  1. (of cutting objects) blunt, dull
    truls nazis, cirvisdull knife, ax
    truls īlens, zīmulisblunt awl, pencil
    trula adatablunt needle
    truls lemesisdull colter, plowshare
    truls asmensdull blade
    trulu nazi vieglāk uzasināt, ja tā asmeni pusstundu patur vāja sālsūdenī ― it is easier to sharpen a dull knife if one keeps its blade in salt water for half an hour
  2. (of sounds) hollow
    uz mūzikas un trulu trokšņu fona mēs dzīvojam ― we live on a background of music and hollow sounds
  3. (of pain, sensations, bad experiences, etc.) dull, blunt (relatively strong but not concentrated, usually for a relatively long time)
    Oļģerts aizvēra plakstus; viņš manīja trulu spiedienu acu ābolos ― Oļģerts closed (his) eyelids; he noticed a blunt pressure on (his) eyeballs
    krūtīs, kreisajā pusē zem atslēgas kaula, pulsēja trula sāpe, it kā tur būtu iestrēdzis kāds svešķermenis ― in the chest, on the left side below the clavicle, a dull pain was pulsating, as if some foreign object were stuck there
    Ģirts sen vairs nebija pamatskolas knēvelis un uz visu raudzījās citādām acīm; tomēr trula sāpe un pārestības sajūta nenorima ― Ģirts had not been the school's brat for a long time and looked at everything with other eyes; but the dull pain and sense of grievance were not appeased
  4. (of thinking, feelings) dull, blunt, dumb (not well developed, spiritually depressed, weakened, incapable of being felt deeply, diversely; narrow-minded, indifferent, insensitive; something which expresses these characteristics)
    truli, neizglītoti cilvēki, kas nespēj izprast sava kolektīva un visas sabiedrības mērķus un uzdevumusdull, uneducated people, who cannot understand the goals and duties of their group and society
    bezmiega naktis padarījušas mani trulu; man tikai viena vienīga vēlēšanās: kaut māmuļa ātrāk izveseļotos ― the sleepless nights had made me dull, dumb; I had only one desire: that mother would heal faster.
    vīrietis bija vienaldzīgiem, truliem sejas pantiem ― the man was indifferent, with dull facial features
  5. (of character features, mental conditions) dull (lacking variety, depth, with weak capacity for perception and reaction; depressed)
    trula vienaldzība, pacietībadull indifference, patience
    trula domāšanadull thinking
    redakcijā viņai neuzdeva nozīmīgu darbu, un Meta uzņēma to ar trulu mieru; viņā vairs nebija domu par rītdienu ― in the editorial office they didn't give her important work, and Meta accepted that with dull calm, resignation; in her there was no thought of tomorrow
  6. (of actions, activities) dull, monotonous, repetitive
    visi zvejnieki iegrimuši nomācošā, trulā ritmā, ko diktēja tvēriens, naža grieziens un ripojašas zivju galvas ― all the fishermen (were) immersed in a depressing, dull rhythm, dictated by catching, knife-cutting, and rolling fish heads



  • (of cutting objects): neass
  • (of sounds): dobjš, smags


  • (of cutting objects): ass, skaudrs

Derived terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), truls”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7