Definition 2025





afrikānisks (def. afrikāniskais, comp. afrikāniskāks, sup. visafrikāniskākais; adv. afrikāniski)

  1. African (relating to Africa and its peoples)
    šis vārds izklausās afrikānisks ― this name sounds African
    afrikānisks dzīvoklis Maskavas centrā ― an African apartment in the center of Moscow


Usage notes

  • English “African” as an attributive adjective usually corresponds in Latvian to afrikāņu or afrikāniešu, the genitive singular forms of afrikānis and afrikānietis, or to Āfrikas, the genitive form of Āfrika. The adjective afrikānisks is commonly used as a predicate (“this is African”), or in its adverbial form afrikāniski.
  • The pronunciation of this word seems to vary as to whether or not the first vowel is considered long, following Āfrika, or short, following its current spelling afrikānisks.

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