Definition 2025





bīties refl. + (no+) genitive, 1st conj., pres. bīstos, bīsties, bīstas, past bijos

  1. to be afraid (to experience fear; to feel insecure)
    bities no suņiem ― to be afraid of dogs
    bīties soda ― to be afraid of punishment
    bīties tumsas ― to be afraid of darkness
    ne no kā nebīties ― to not be afraid of anything
    bīties kā no uguns ― to be afraid as if of fire (= to be very afraid)
    bīstas kā velns no krusta ― he is afraid like the devil (is) of the cross
    bīties pakustēties ― to be afraid of budging
    soļi dobji skan tukšā telpā, tu pūlies klusi staigāt... tukšums, nav ko bīties, tomēr bailes ― the steps sound hollow in the empty space, you try to walk silently... darkness, there is nothing to be afraid of, but (= except) fear
  2. to be afraid, to fear (to feel worried, to feel anxiety)
    bīties par dēlu ― to fear for (one's) son
    par tādām bēdām mums vairs nav jābīstas ― we no longer need to fear such misfortune
  3. to be afraid, to fear, to dread (to try to avoid)
    bīties šķēršļus ― to fear obstacles
    no darba zemnieki nebijās ― the farmers were not afraid of work
  4. (colloquial, usually about plants) to be afraid (to be sensitive to something)
    jaunās šķirnes zemenes nebīstas no salnas ― the new varieties of strawberry are not afraid of the frost



Related terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), bīties”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7