Definition 2025





bailīgs (def. bailīgais, comp. bailīgāks, sup. visbailīgākais; adv. bailīgi)

  1. fearful, timid, afraid (habitually or constantly feeling fear, shame; easy to frighten, to scare, to startle)
    bailīgs cilvēks ― a timid person
    viņš bija bailīgs un nedrošs ― he was timid and insecure
    “bet tev jau patiešām bail”, pārcēlājs negaidot pasmaida... Ilga piesarkst... “visas meitenes ir bailīgas”, Valdis piezīmē ― “but you are really scared”, the ferryman smiled unexpectedly... Ilga blushed... “all girls are (always) afraid, easy to scare
  2. (of animals) timid, shy, skittish (easily scared or startled)
    bailīgs zirgs ― a timid, skittish horse
    bailīgs kā zaķisafraid as a hare (= intensely afraid)
    ar bailīgu zirgu nedroši braukt ― it is not safe to travel with a skittish horse
    sākumā ezītis bija ļoti bailīgs... tiklīdz dirdzēja kaut vai vismazāko troksni, tā tūlīt ievilkās savā adatu cietoksnī ― at first the hedgehog was very timid... as soon as he heard even the weakest noise, he immediately pulled (back) in his prickly fortress
  3. (of gestures, behavior, etc.) fearful, timid, skittish (such that it expresses feelings of fear)
    bailīgs skatiens ― a timid look
    bailīga izturēšanāstimid, fearful behavior
    bailīga valodatimid language
    tik irbe vai zaķītis pārtecēja no viena purva uz otru, atstādami sniegā retas, bailīgas pēdiņas ― only (the occasional) partridge or hare (ever) went from one swamp to the other, leaving in the snow rare, timid footprints
  4. (colloquial) frightening, scary, dangerous (which causes fear)
    bailīgs ceļšdangerous road
    bailīga vieta, apkārtnescary place, neighborhood
    bailīgs pasākumsdangerous undertaking
    vai traks! tad ir gan bailīga lieta! ― (are you) crazy! indeed it is a scary thing!



  • (of animals): tramīgs
  • (of "dangerous"): bīstams

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