Definition 2025





bagāts (def. bagātais, comp. bagātāks, sup. visbagātākais; adv. bagāti)

  1. rich, wealthy (having a lot of money; having many valuable possessions)
    bagāts cilvēksrich person
    bagāta valstsrich country
    bagāts saimnieks, fabrikantsrich landowner, industrialist
  2. rich, expensive, luxurious (made with very valuable material, components; containing something valuable)
    bagāts pusdienu galdsrich dinner table
    bagāts pūrsrich dowry
    bagāts namsrich house (where rich people live)
  3. rich (having a large amount of something; having many valuable parts)
    zivīm bagāta upe ― a river rich in fish
    ar mežiem bagāts apvidus ― an area rich in forests
    Čiaturas mangāna atradnes ir vienas no bagātākajām pasaulē ― the Čiatura manganese deposits are one of the richest in the world
  4. rich (large in number or size)
    bagāts loms ― a rich catch
    bagāta raža ― a rich harvest
  5. (of time periods) rich, productive, generous
    bagāts gads, rudens ― a rich year, autumn
    bagāts mūžs ― a rich life
    tās bija siltas, saulainas un augļu bagātas dienas ― those were warm, sunny and fruit-rich days
  6. rich, varied (in form, in nuances, in elements)
    bagāta valoda ― a rich language
    bagāta dzejarich poetry
    bagāta fantāzijarich fantasy
    mākslinieks ar bagātu iztēli ― artist with a rich imagination
    bagāta grāmatu kolekcijarich collection of books
    bagāta augu valstsrich plant kingdom (= vegetation)
    bagāta faunarich fauna
  7. rich (having excellent skills, knowledge, qualities, potential, contributions)
    pieredzes bagāts biškopis ― a beekeeper rich in experience
    nopelniem bagāts zinātnieks ― a scientist, scholar rich in merits
    palīdzot bērniem apgūt zināšanas, mēs dažreiz arī paši kļūstam bagātāki ― helping children obtain knowledge, we sometimes also become richer
  8. (of the mind, the psyche, the spirit) rich, sensitive, deep
    bagāta dvēsele ― a rich soul




Derived terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), bagāts”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7