Definition 2025





nabadzīgs (def. nabadzīgais, comp. nabadzīgāks, sup. visnabadzīgākais; adv. nabadzīgi)

  1. poor (who lacks possessions, the means of surviving)
    nabadzīgs cilvēkspoor person
    nabadzīga tautapoor people (= ethnic group)
    nabadzīgi ļaudispoor people (= persons)
  2. (of territories) poor (whose inhabitants lack necessary possessions)
    nabadzīga sādžapoor village
    nabadzīgs ciematspoor village
    Kartagenas pilsēta bija nabadzīga ― the village of Cartagena was poor
  3. poor (in whose preparation important or necessary things were not used or were used insufficiently; which is less than it should be)
    nabadzīgs pusdienu galdspoor dining table
    nabadzīga virtuvepoor cuisine
    nabadzīgs maizes riecienspoor (= thin) slice of bread
    viņu kāzu galds bija nabadzīgs: Arvīda mātes ceptie rauši, zivis un piens ― their wedding table (= buffet) was poor: (only) Arvīds' mother's baked cakes, fish and milk
    Agnese iedomājās Ernas nabadzīgo vienistabas dzīvoklīti, kur virtuve pat ar sienu nebija atdalīta no istabas — Agnese imagined Erna's poor little one-room apartment, where the kitchen was not separated from the (sleeping) room (not even) with a wall
  4. poor (such that it has something important or necessary only in small, insufficient quantity)
    ar zivīm nabadzīgs ezers ― a lake poor in fish
    ar mežiem nabadzīgs apvidus ― a forest-poor area
    ziediem nabadzīgs dārzs ― a garden poor in flowers
  5. poor (without diversity in form, nuance, components)
    nabadzīga augu valstspoor plant realm (= flora)
    nabadzīga faunapoor fauna
    nabadzīga vārdu krājumspoor vocabulary (lit. word stock)
    nabadzīga bibliotēlapoor library
    nabadzīga krāsu gammapoor set of colors
    līdz tam uzskatīja, ka šajā baseinā galvenokārt atrodamas tikai nabadzīgas rūdas: kvarcīti ― up until then (they) thoguht that in that basin mostly poor ore, quartzite, could be found
    cilvēks, kas vienaldzīgs pret pasaulē notiekošo, ir garlaicīgs: viņa dzīve ir nabadzīga un tukša ― a person who is indifferent to what happens in the world is boring: his life is poor and empty
  6. (of creativity) poor, one-sided, limited
    nabadzīga fantāzijapoor fantasy
    nabadzīga dzejapoor poetry
    nabadzīgi uzskatipoor beliefs, opinions
  7. (of character, personality) poor, shallow, insensitive
    cik jūsu dvēseles, ak, ir nabadzīgas! ― oh! how poor are your souls!




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