Definition 2025

See also: daa, daA, dáa, daá, da̰ã, da'a, daa-, and Appendix:Variations of "da"

Norwegian Nynorsk

Alternative forms


  • IPA(key): (example of pronunciation)


  1. then (at that time)
    Fyrst kan me gjera noko med det.
    We can't do anything about it until then.
  2. then (in that case)
    er eg redd det er lite me kan gjera.
    Then I am afraid there is little we can do.

Etymology 2

From Old Norse þá er.


  • IPA(key): (example of pronunciation)


  1. when (at a time in the past)
    morgonen kom, hadde vêret vorte betre.
    When the morning came, the weather had gotten better.




From Old Swedish þā, from Old Norse þá, from Proto-Germanic *þan (then).


  • IPA(key): /doː/


(not comparable)

  1. then; at that time
  2. then; in that case
  3. what about, how about
    Den där, ?
    What about that one?


  1. when; at the same point in time as
    Vi sov branden började.
    We were asleep when the fire started.
  2. since, as; by background of the case being that (dated)
    inget tvivel tycks råda om hans skuld, beslutar jag härmed...
    Since there seems to be no doubts about his guilt, I hereby decide...

Derived terms

Usage notes

  • In the first use it is far more common to use när than , which is very rare in spoken language.
  • In the second use it is far more common to use eftersom; may be perceived as archaic.