Webster 1913 Edition
The scum or refuse matter which is thrown off, or falls from, metals in smelting the ore, or in the process of melting; recrement.
Rust of metals.
Waste matter; any worthless matter separated from the better part; leavings; dregs; refuse.
All world’s glory is but
unclean. Spenser.
At the devil's booth are all things sold,
Each ounce of
Each ounce of
coats its ounce of gold. Lowell.
Webster 1828 Edition
The recrement or despumation of metals; the scum or extraneous matter of metals, thrown off in the process of melting.2.
Rust; crust of metals; an incrustation formed on metals by oxydation.3.
Waste matter; refuse; any worthless matter separated from the better part; impure matter.The worlds glory is but dross unclean.
Definition 2025
See also: dross
Alternative forms
- (dialectal form) dross
drošs (def. drošais, comp. drošāks, sup. visdrošākais; adv. droši)
- brave, fearless, confident (not afraid, behaving freely, unconstrained)
- Aijai patīk droši, vīrišķīgi cilvēki ― Aija likes brave, masculine people (i.e., men)
- baloži kļuva tik droši, ka savam kopējam sēdēja uz pleciem ― the pigeons became so fearless that they sat on their fellows' shoulders
- brave, free, confident (showing, expressing bravery, freedom from constraints, worries)
- droša izturēšanās ― confident demeanor
- drošs prāts ― brave, confident mind, spirit
- droša uzstāšanās ― confident speech
- droša atbilde ― confident answer
- runāt drošā balsī ― to speak in a confident, (care)free voice
- bet visvairāk viņu pārsteidza Edītes mierīgā izturēšanās, viņas drošais, atklātais skatiens ― but above all he was surprised by Edīte's calm demeanor, her confident, open look
- confident, sure, certain
- sportists bija drošs par savu uzvaru ― the athlete was sure of his victory
- ja Edgars ir solījis, Aina var būt droša, viņš steidzas mājup ― if Edgars promised, (then) Aina can be sure (that) he is hurrying home
- safe (not at risk, not exposed to danger, which protects, offers protection)
- drošs patvērums ― safe haven
- droša patvertne ― safe shelter
- safe (not at risk, assured, guaranteed)
- drošs stāvoklis ― safe state, condition
- mani uzņēmumi visi ir labi nostādīti; peļņa pilnīgi droša! ― my businesses are all well structured; profits are fully safe (= guaranteed)
- safe, reliable (which can be trusted)
- drošās rokās ― in safe hands
- viņam visdrošākais sargs un vislabākā pajumte ir mātes tuvums ― to him, the safest guard and the best shelter is (his) mother's proximity
- safe, reliable (which raises no doubts, unquestionable)
- drošās ziņas ― reliable information, news
- droši dati ― reliable data
- (of thoughts, beliefs) safe, strong, confident
- droša pārliecība par uzvaru ― confident belief in victory
- bet visas cerības, drošas un nedrošas, sašķīda vienā pašā acumirklī kā ziepju burbuļi ― but all hope, confident or not, came together in the same moment like soap bubbles
indefinite declension (nenoteiktā galotne) of drošs
masculine (vīriešu dzimte) | feminine (sieviešu dzimte) | ||||||||
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) |
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) |
nominative (nominatīvs) | drošs | droši | droša | drošas | |||||
accusative (akuzatīvs) | drošu | drošus | drošu | drošas | |||||
genitive (ģenitīvs) | droša | drošu | drošas | drošu | |||||
dative (datīvs) | drošam | drošiem | drošai | drošām | |||||
instrumental (instrumentālis) | drošu | drošiem | drošu | drošām | |||||
locative (lokatīvs) | drošā | drošos | drošā | drošās | |||||
vocative (vokatīvs) | — | — | — | — | |||||
- (of "courageous"): drosmīgs
Derived terms
- ↑ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “drošs”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7