Definition 2025





dzimt intr., 1st conj., pres. dzimstu, dzimsti, dzimst, past dzimu

  1. to be born (to separate physically from the body of one's mother during birth)
    dzimst bērni ― children are born
    zēns dzimis Rīgā ― the boy was born in Riga
    viņš dzimis 1963. gadā ― he was born in 1963
    dzīvniekiem dzimst mazuļi ― baby (animals) are born to animals (= animals have babies)
    paskaties visapkārt: kad Auruciemā dzimst bērni? rudeņos... visas manas četras meitas pasaulē nākušas rudenī ― look around: when are children born in Auruciems? in autumn... all my four daughters came to the world (= were born) in autumn
  2. (of natural or social phenomena) to be born (to begin, to take form, shape)
    diena dzima kā apskaidrota ― the day was born enlightened (= bright)
    Mūsa un Mēmele te saplūst kopā - un dzimst jauna upe ― the Mūsa and the Mēmele (river) converge - and a new river is born
    dzimst ne tikai cilvēki; dzimst arī zvaigznes un zvaigžņu pasaules ― not only people are born: also stars and star worlds (= planets) are born
    februāra revolūcija dzima pasaules imperiālistiskā kara laikā ― the February revolution was born during the imperialistic world war
  3. (of objects, also thoughts, ideas) to be born (to be made, to take form, shape)
    upju krastos spēkstacijas dzimst ― power plants are born on the banks of rivers
    viņa smadzenēs dzimst grandiozi nodomi, kas kalpo taisnībai, gaismai, laimei ― in his brain are born grandiose intentions to serve justice, light, happiness
    cilvēka smadzenes sastāv no 14 miljardiem šūnu; kā tajās dzimst idejas, tēli, vārdi? ― the human brain consists of 14 billion cells; how are ideas, images, words born in them?


Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
  • atdzimt
  • iedzimt
  • izdzimt
  • pārdzimt
  • piedzimt
  • sadzimt
other derived terms:

Related terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), dzimt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7