Definition 2025



See also: dzimtenē



dzimtene f (5th declension)

  1. homeland, native country (the country or land where one was born, where one grew up)
    dzimtenes mīlestība ― love for one's country, homeland
    atgriezties dzimtenē ― to return home (lit. to one's homeland)
    cīnīties par dzimteni ― to fight for one's homeland
    krist par dzimteni ― to fall (= die) for one's homeland
    ilgas pēc dzimtenes ― nostalgia for one's homeland
    tā bija viena no tām neskaitāmām mūsu dzimtenes upītēm ― that was one of our homeland's innumerable little rivers
    viņš šai naktī sajuta, ka pasaule bez tās zemes, ko sauc par dzimteni, ir nenozīmīga un tukša ― that night he felt that the world without this place called homeland is meaningless and empty
  2. home, homeland, home town, birthplace (place where one was born, where one grew up)
    Liena gāja no Irbēniem, kurus uzskatīja tikpat kā par savu dzimteni, atkal laukā ― Liena left Irbēni, which she considered to be just like her home(land), yet again
  3. homeland, birthplace (the area where an animal or plant species originated or is frequently found)
    viņi dzēra kafiju un runāja par kafijas dzimteni Brazīliju ― they drank coffee and talked about the homeland of coffee, Brazil
    abinieku dzimtene ir tropi un subtropi ― the homeland of amphibians is the tropics and subtropics
    arktika ir negaidītu salnu, pēkšņu vētru, gaidītu lietu un sniega puteņu dzimtene ― the Arctic is the homeland of unexpected frosts, sudden storms, and expected rain and snow blizzards



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