Definition 2025



See also: dzimtā




  1. genitive singular masculine form of dzimts
  2. nominative singular feminine form of dzimts


dzimta f (4th declension)

  1. family, kin, kin group, clan, kind (a group of people related by blood and descended from a single ancestor)
    dzimtas senči ― the ancestors of the family, clan
    cilvēku dzimta ― people in general, humankind (lit. people's family, clan)
    un dzimta dzemdē jaunu dzimtu, / arvienu augšup kāpdama, / un gadu simts dzen gadu simtu / uz priekšu vētras straujumā! ― and kin gives birth to new kin, always ascending upwards, and century drives century / forward, with the speed of a storm!
  2. family (a few, usually two or three, generations of related people; parents and children)
    slims padēls nav skaista pameita, ko var ieprecināt augstdzimušā un bagātā dzimtā ― a sick stepson is not a beautiful stepdaughter, who could be married into a well-born, rich family
    viņa dzimta nebija liela; tā sastāvēja pavisam no trim dvēselēm... pats saimnieks Silmežs, viņa sieva un mājas saimniece Ilze un meita Trīne ― his family, household was not big; it consisted of three souls in total... the farmer Silmežs, his wife Ilze, the lady of the house, and the daughter, Trīne
  3. (biology, taxonomy) family (a group of genera)
    pīļu dzimtaAnatidae (lit. duck family)
    vilki, lapsas, polārlapsas un citi suņu dzimtas plēsoņas dzīvo apmēram 16 gadus ― wolves, foxes, arctic foxes and other canid (Canidae, lit. dog family) predators live about 16 years
    rozes pieder pie rožu dzimtas un ieņem izcilu vietu starp citām puķēm ― the roses belong to the Rosaceae (lit. rose family) and take an outstanding place among other flowers



  • (of "family"): ģimene
  • (of "household", "family + servants"): saime
  • (of "extended family," "kin group"): ģints
  • (dated term) famīlija

Related terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), dzimt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7