Definition 2025



See also: karts


Kāršu žogs (1)
Karoga kārtis (1)


  • IPA(key): [kāːɾts]


kārts f (6th declension)

  1. pole, post (long, thin piece of wood, usually for supporting something)
    nomizota kārts ― debarked pole
    cirst kārtis ― to cut poles
    sasliet kārtis ― to raise poles
    kāršu žogspole fence
    karoga kārts ― flagpole
    garš kā kārts ― tall as a pole (a tall, thin person)
    Juris pagalmā ieraudzīja Ellu, kas vilka metrus divus, divarpus garu kārti ― in the courtyard Juris saw Ella dragging a two-, two-and-a-half-meter long pole
    viņš staigā pa dārzu, gar ēkām, gar dīķi... pāris reizes ar kārti to mērīja ― he walked by the garden, along the buildings, the pond... a couple of times he measured it with a pole
  2. (sports, athletics) pole used in pole vault competitions
    tagad, izrādās, vairs nepietiek tikai ar kārts atbilstību sportista augumam un svaram ― now, it turns out, the support of the pole is no longer enough for the height and weight of the athlete...
  • līksts

Etymology 2


A borrowing from German Karte (with level-tone lengthening: āɾ > āːɾ), itself borrowed from French carte. The term is first mentioned in 17th-century dictionaries as a plural 5th-declension noun (kārtes); the current 6th-declension form is first attested in the 1870s, perhaps as a result of the influence of kārts “pole” (see above), which was already a 6th-declension stem; cf. karte, also borrowed from German Karte, but not influenced by kārts “pole.”[2]

Alternative forms


  • IPA(key): [kāːɾts]


kārts f (6th declension)

  1. card, playing card (one of usually 52 rectangular pieces of hard paper or cardboard with drawings, used to play various games)
    kāršu komplekts ― deck of cards
    kāršu vērtība ― the value of the cards
    kāršu spēlecard game
    dalīt kārtis ― to give (lit. distribute) the cards
    kāršu suga ― card suit
    Nikurs paņēma savu kārti... tas bija pīķa kalps ― Nikurs took his card... it was the jack of spades
  2. cards, card game (a game which uses these cards)
    kāršu partija ― a game of cards
    spēlēt kārtis ― to play cards
    kungi sēdās pie kāršu galda ― the gentlemen sat down at the card table
    lielajā namā pirms revolūcijas pulcējās muižnieku aristokrātija, notriecot lauku kārtīs, uzdzīvē un tukšās diskusijās ― before the revolution, the landowner aristocracy got together in the big house, killing time in (= with) cards, merry-making and empty discussions
See also
Suits in Latvian · sugas (see also: kārts, spēļu kārts) (layout · text)
sirdis kāravi pīķi krusti


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), kārtsa”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7
  2. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), kārtsb”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7