lopsided (comparative more lopsided, superlative most lopsided)
- Not even or balanced; not the same on one side as on the other.
- Carrying a heavy suitcase, he walked with a lopsided gait.
Related terms
not balanced
- French: bancal (fr)
- German: einseitig (de), schief (de)
- Hungarian: féloldalas (hu), felemás (hu)
- Maori: tipirori, hikuwaru, tipitaha
- Portuguese: torto (pt), desigual (pt)
- Romanian: strâmb (ro) m, oblic (ro) m
- Russian: кривобокий (ru) (krivobokij), искривлённый (ru) (iskrivljónnyj), наклонённый (ru) (naklonjónnyj), накренённый (ru) (nakrenjónnyj), (informal, somewhat) скособоченный (ru) (skosobočennyj)
- Spanish: desequilibrado (es) m, desigual (es)
- Swedish: skev (sv)