Definition 2025





neprātīgs (def. neprātīgais, comp. neprātīgāks, sup. visneprātīgākais; adv. neprātīgi)

  1. (of people, their behavior) foolish, imprudent, unreasonable; expressing these qualities
    neprātīgs cilvēksfoolish, imprudent person
    neprātīga rīcībathoughtless action
    dzīve ir tik skopa un īsa, bet mēs esam tik neprātīgi, ka neprotam izlietot pat tos nedaudzos mirkļus, kas mums doti ― life is so scarce and short, and we are so foolish that we don't know how to use even those few moments that we have been given
    cilvēks nezin kāpēc grib mūžīgu pavasari, nepadomādams nemaz, cik neprātīga tāda vēlēšanās ― people for some reason want an eternal spring, not thinking about how foolish this desire is
  2. (of thoughts, ideas) foolish (completely unfounded, untenable, impossible)
    arī Martai gribējās iet skolā, mācīties, bet kalpa meitenei tolaik skola bija neprātīgs sapnis ― also Martha wanted to go to school and study, but in those days school was a foolish dream for a servant girl
  3. (of people, their behavior) foolish, reckless, foolhardy
    daudz nedomādama, viņa bija ar mieru pamest Andreju un aiziet pie Kaspara: stiprā, neprātīgā ― not thinking much, she was willing to leave Andrejs and go to Kaspars: (she was) strong, foolhardy
    jā, sievietes mīl neprātīgos, mīl Gēstu Berlingu, mīl Uldi ― yes, the women love the reckless, foolhardy ones, they love Gēsts Berlings, they love Uldis
    viņa smadzenēs radās visneprātīgākās iztēles ainas ― in his brains were the most foolish, reckless images
  4. (of people, their behavior) insane, mad (having serious mental disorders)
    plosăs kă neprātīgs ― he kicks and screams like a madman
    neprātīga viņa skrēja mums pretim: “brālīti! brālīti! tu dzīvs!” ― like a mad woman she ran towards us: “little brother! little brother! you (are) alive!”
    es, lai kā vēroju, nekādi nevarēju notvert, kur viņš būtu ko neprātīgu darījis vai runājis ― no matter how much I watched, couldn't catch him where he would do or say something crazy
  5. (colloquial) extraordinary, excessive
    sākumā taksometra šoferis raudzījās pāri stūrei tik saspringti, it kā viņi neprātīgā ātrumā drāztos cauri miglai ― at first the taxi driver looked over the steering wheel so tightly, as if they were slicing through the fog at an insane, excessive speed



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