Definition 2025




Alternative forms


pilns (def. pilnais, comp. pilnāks, sup. vispilnākais; irreg. adv. pilnam, pilnām)

  1. (of containers) full (without any space left)
    pilna bļoda ― full bowl
    pilna kanna ar pienu ― pot full of milk
    piebērt pilnus grozus ar kartupeļiem ― to load baskets full of potatoes
    piesmelt pilnu spaini ar ūdeni — to draw a full bucket of water
  2. (of spaces, rooms) full (completely occupied)
    pilns skapis ar drēbēm ― a wardrobe full of clothes
    pilns penālis ar zīmuļiem ― a pencil case full of pencils
    piekraut pilnu šķūni ar sienu ― to load a barn full of hay
  3. (of flat objects) full (with completely occupied surface; with many thing on its surface)
    pilns galdsfull table (with food, drinks, etc.)
    zeme piebirusi pilna ar āboliem ― the earth was covered full of apples
    piebārstīt pilnu grīdu ar skaidām ― to scatter sawdust all over the floor
  4. (of paper, books, etc.) full (completely written, drawn over; with many writings, drawings)
    pierakstīt pilnu kladi ar lekcijām ― to fill a notebook (= to write it full) with lectures
    burtnīca pilna ar stundu plāniem ― a notebook full of lesson plans
    grāmata pilna ar krāsainiem zīmējumiem ― a book full of colorful illustrations
  5. (of places, objects) full (with many people, animals, plants, objects; with all available places occupied; where some substance has spread)
    pilns veikals ar pircējiem ― a shop full of customers
    ielas pilnas turistu ― streets full of tourists
    ļaužu pilnas ielas ― streets full of people
    autobuss pilns ar pasažieriem ― a bus full of passengers
    strops pilns ar bitēm ― a hive full of bees
    pilns parks ar vāverem ― a park full of squirrels
    purvs pilns odu ― a swamp full of mosquitoes
    pilns dārzs ar ābelēm ― a garden full of apple trees
    šogad meži pilni sēņu ― this year the forests (are) full of mushrooms
    noliekt riekstu pilnu lazdas zaru ― to tilt, to bend a hazel branch full of nuts
    virtuve pilna ar dūmiem ― a kitchen full of smoke
    pagalms pilns ar bērnu čalām ― a yard full of children's chatter
  6. (of substances) full (with considerable admixture of something else)
    graudi pilni pelavām ― grains full of chaff
    kaļķi pilni ar smiltīm ― lime filled with sand
    duļķu pilns ūdens ― water full of mud
  7. (of natural phenomena) full (where something occurs or is formed in large quantites)
    ieleja pilna ar biezu miglu ― a valley full of thick mist
    zeme pilna valgmes ― land full of moisture, humidity
    ceļi pilni ar dubļiem ― roads full of mud
  8. (of processes, activities) full (where some intense activity occurs, characterized by some intense activity)
    istaba ir rosības pilna ― the room is full of activity, of hustle and bustle
    grūtību pilns ceļojums ― a trip full of difficulties, hardships
    gaidu pilnas stundas ― hours full of waiting
    pārdzīvot laimes pilnus mirkļus ― to live, experience moments full of happiness, bliss
    optimisma pilns romāns ― a novel full of optimism
  9. (of people or their actions) full (feeling, possessing some mental feature very intensely)
    prieka pilns bērns ― a child full of joy
    pārliecības pilns cilvēks ― a person full of confidence
    spēka pilns jauneklis ― a young man full of strength
    pārliecības pilna rīcība ― an action full of confidence
    neizpratnes pilna seja ― a face full of incomprehension
    naida pilns skatiens ― a look full of hate
    prieka pilns sauciens ― a cry full of joy
  10. (of qualities, means; usually in locative) full (at the highest intensity, at the highest level of development)
    braukt pilnā ātrumā ― to drive at full speed
    pilna slodzefull-time
    pilnā jaudā, ar pilnu jaudu ― at full capacity, with all strength
    runāt, dziedāt, kliegt pilnā balsī ― to speak, sing, shout at full voice
    pilnā kaujas gatavībā ― in full combat readiness
    rudzi ir pilnā briedumā ― the rye is in full maturity
  11. (of plans, books, courses, teams) full, complete, whole, entire (covering the whole set, extension; having all parts;)
    pilns apmācību kurssfull training course
    noklausīties pilnu lekciju ciklu ― to listen to the full lecture series
    pilna biogrāfijafull biography
    pilns komplekts ― a full, complete set
    pilns lidmašīnas personālsastāvsfull flight personnel
    hokeja komanda spēlē pilnā sastavā ― the hockey team plays in its full composition (= the full team, the whole team)
  12. (of amounts, measurements) full, whole, complete (corresponding exactly to the given value)
    nostrādāt pilnu darba nedēļu ― to work two full work weeks
    sasniegt pilnus astoņpadsmit gadus ― to reach, to achieve full eighteen years (of age)
  13. (of circles, lines, time periods) full, continuous, uninterrupted
    pilns apgrieziensfull, complete rotation
    darba tika pabeigti tikai pilnā naktī ― the work was finished only in (= after) a full night
  14. (of body, body parts) full (relatively large, stout)
    miesās pilns cilvēks ― a full-bodied (= large, stout) person
    sieviete ar pilnām lūpām ― a woman with full lips
  15. (colloquial, of people) full, very drunk
    daži tik pilni, ka streipuļoja ― some (of the people) so full (= drunk) that they staggered



Derived terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), pilns”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7